Get Involved: Volunteer for Your Memorial Parkway Community
Calling all residents of Memorial Parkway: your community needs you! As a vibrant and thriving neighborhood, Memorial Parkway relies on the support and involvement of its residents to maintain and enhance the quality of life within the community. Whether you're a seasoned volunteer or someone eager to make a difference, there are numerous opportunities to contribute your talents and expertise.
Volunteer Opportunities: Memorial Parkway Community Association (MPCA) is seeking volunteers for various committees dedicated to different aspects of community life. Whether your interests lie in maintaining the grounds, organizing recreational activities, managing facilities, overseeing architectural control, or enhancing security measures, there's a role for you to play.
Committee Meeting Details: To learn more about the needs and responsibilities of each committee and how you can get involved, mark your calendars for the upcoming Committee Meeting. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 17 at 7:00 PM, with meetings held monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Memorial Parkway Clubhouse.
Why Volunteer? Volunteering for your community is not only a chance to give back but also an opportunity to actively shape and contribute to the place you call home. By volunteering, you become an integral part of the decision-making process and help ensure that the events and services provided by the HOA continue to benefit the community as a whole.
Join Us: If you value the events and services offered by Memorial Parkway HOA and want to play a role in its continued success, we urge you to attend the Committee Meeting and consider volunteering for one of the committees. Your contributions will make a meaningful difference in maintaining the vibrancy and sense of community that make Memorial Parkway such a great place to live.
Don't miss this chance to be a part of something bigger—join us at the Memorial Parkway Clubhouse on the 3rd Tuesday of the month and help shape the future of your community!