Georgetown Colony 1 News from the Board - July 2023
Yard of the Month
Congratulations to homeowner Rick and Cathy Olson for earning the “Yard of the Month” for May. Your hard work in maintaining a manicured lawn and sprucing it up with springtime flowers paid off. You were the envy of your neighbors for a whole month.
Community Pool
The community pool is open for all Georgetown Colony residents. Signup with mary@acmp.com.
Little Free Library
Enjoy the Little Free library @ Edisto Ct. There are children's books available.
Home Improvements
Springtime Spruce ups? Please submit an Architectural Review and Approval Form for those home improvement projects impacting the appearance of your home as seen from street view. Examples include new roof, exterior paint, fence, outdoor home additions, landscaping, etc.
All forms will be reviewed by the HOA Board of Directors to ensure the improvements comply with GEO1 bylaws and deed restrictions at the monthly meeting.
Hurricane Season
Hurricane season officially began on June 1, 2023, and end on November 30, 2023. Always be prepared by staying informed, planning and taking action. Visit https://www.ready.gov/hurricanes for tips on preparing this season.
Neighborhood Stop Signs
STOP sign road markings renovation is complete in Georgetown. If you see vehicles running the stop signs, please contact the Harris County Sheriff's non-emergency line to report. A contract deputy will monitor the stop sign for traffic violations.
Georgetown Colony supports our Harris County Sheriff patrol and contract deputies keeping our neighborhood safe. Be vigilant and report suspicious activity, by calling please the Sheriff’s Department, non-emergency line 713-221-6000.
Stray cats
Kitten season is here. To prevent an overpopulation of stray cats, please consider spay/neutering your pets. Cats with clipped ears are part of the feral community program and cannot be removed from their environment. TNR is an approved method of feral or homeless cat population control by trapping, neutering, and releasing. If you need assistance with spay/neutering feral cats in your area, please contact Theresa Caldwell at theresacaldwell10@yahoo.com or 832-489-8222. All cats will ONLY be spayed and neutered and returned to their environment.
Many thanks to Peggy and Ron Escobedo for managing the entrance signage. A job well done!