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Free Musical Programs Set this Holiday Season at LSC-CyFair

Free Musical Programs Set this Holiday Season at LSC-CyFair

November 28 2023

Lone Star College-CyFair welcomes the Shimmer Flute Choir Dec. 9 and a Sweet Adeline’s Barbershop Quartet Dec. 11 for two mornings of free festive holiday entertainment.

Returning for the third time to LSC-CyFair, the Shimmer Flute Choir will join the LSC-CyFair library for a musical story time including arrangements from “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” and “The Grinch” under the direction of Donna Pattison. This program will also include a reading of Dr. Suess’ classic about the “mean one”, his dog Max and the citizens of Whoville. Bring the family for this 10:30 a.m. Saturday event in the Main Stage Theatre in the Center for the Arts (ART).

Come back Dec. 11 for the 10 a.m. Singing for the Holidays program with Short and Sweet, (a barbershop quartet, who are members ofSugar Land Sound). Learn about barbershop singing as well as enjoy fantastic live music as part of the Learning, Inspiration, Friendship and Enrichment (L.I.F.E.) programs held in the library meeting room, LRNC Room 131.

In addition, the LSC-CyFair Music Department will present an instrumental recital Dec. 2 and a vocal recital Dec. 8 and Dec. 9. All three performances are free, start at 7 p.m. and will be held in the Recital Hall, ART Room 102. Go to for more information.

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