Fostering Connection: Nottingham Country CIA's Latest Initiatives and Achievements
Your Nottingham Country CIA Board and committee members have been hard at work in their continued efforts to support Nottingham Country and fostering connection and involvement in our neighborhood. Check out the latest regarding the Yard of the Season, our recent Town Hall Meeting, new communications announcement, and more.
The yard of the season was completed with the help of our fellow landscape committee. Residents were very appreciative. Thank you, Terri Toole Curzadd, Teresa McCue, and Gayl Sond for your assistance in completing the task! Separate post to follow.
Thank you to all the residents who were able to attend and provide your valued input. We feel this is one step in the right direction but follow-up is definitely needed by all residents! We are proud of the event and feel the commissioner's office, constables, school board representatives, and state officials heard us and will work to address our community concerns.
Stephanie Hartranft Giacomasso our most recent appointed Board of Director will be taking on Community Events! She will be working with the mom's group on partnered events along with other areas to continue to make the community a fun and engaged environment. Thank you in advance, Stephanie Hartranft Giacomasso.
- The areas of your grounds or porch may have spots where rainwater can pool. Recommendation: empty, drain, or cover all things that can and may hold water.
- Plumbing on the exterior has minor leaks. window air conditioners often drip condensation, which can pool on the ground. Recommendation: repair these problems to minimize water collection as much as possible.
- Small crevices and openings that can harbor mosquitoes. Recommendation: eliminate or fill nooks, crannies, and holes
We are excited to announce that we are deepening our partnership with MyNeighborhoodNews.com to deliver a dynamic, resourceful neighborhood webpage that is custom tailored to our community for all residents to enjoy!
As a reminder, we have been working closely with My Neighborhood News since the launch of their platform in September 2021. Formerly Krenek Printing, they dutifully published our printed newsletter for many decades. Starting June 2024, your Nottingham Country CIA website will now be hosted by My Neighborhood News, which will help us seamlessly integrate our communication methods into one place and better serve our residents. We will keep our www.nottinghamcountry.org website but will work with our webmaster to set up a redirect to our specific page on My Neighborhood News.
With regularly posted neighborhood news and announcements, this website also offers area news and events plus a wide variety of useful resources for your neighborhood and surrounding area. Find information about your neighborhood pool, community management team, helpful numbers, local groups, parks, donation centers and much more – all in one place! Unlike any other site, your neighborhood webpage is truly a one-stop-shop centered on positivity and bringing communities together in meaningful ways. Look out for updates as we finalize this transition.
Your HOA Board values your input and warmly invites you to attend monthly board meetings. During meetings, we ask that all participants extend courtesy towards one another, so that we may all work together collaboratively and effectively in pursuit of our common goals. Meetings last a maximum of two hours and cover Association business exclusively. Your input is greatly valued and appreciated as we work together to make Nottingham a great place to live.