February News from Your HOA
All owners are encouraged to get registered on the Crest Management website! You can review all things regarding your account. Registration will also enable Board Meeting notices to be delivered to your inbox and you can enable many other electronic notifications! Be one in the know, register today!!
Exterior Modifications Requests are required for any/all modifications being done to the exterior of your property BEFORE work can begin. Applications are located on the Crest Management website; you must be a registered owner on the Crest Management website to begin the process. Beginning October 15, 2021, the Board of Directors have implemented Crest Management to complete the review process for all exterior modifications and a review fee of $75 is due at the time of application. Any modification started/completed without prior approval will be held accountable to governing document standards. Without prior approval, could cause you potential legal ramifications, so be sure to complete the application process and receive your approval!!!
Street parking is not allowed per our governing documents. Owners and residents should utilize their garage and driveway, without blocking a pedestrian sidewalk. It may time to get used to moving vehicles around, but this is for the safety of all residents and visitors alike. Typical home services may utilize the street during the day hours that they are there to perform work on your home. Private events at your home can still occur, just have your guests be mindful of parking as to allow traffic flow and emergency vehicles a clear path.
Have you heard? Don’t feed the ducks in the community!! Copper Grove Board of Directors have implemented a Fine Policy for feeding the ducks and other feral animals within the community. Refer to the Crest Management Website to review the new policy.
The website eyeonwater.com lets you track your water usage. You will need to sign up with the district ID, a dash and then your account number as the account number on the signup screen. These numbers are on your water bills.
Most of our dog owners are responsible, using a leash and picking up after your pets. We thank you!
HOWEVER - We have received reports of dog owners allowing their dogs to defecate and urinate in yards. This is especially a problem in high-traffic areas near park entrances. Be aware that it is not just your dog. Once a yard has been “used,” other dogs want to do so as well. A resident should not have to pick up after even one dog, much less ten. In addition, runners and walkers in our parks don’t enjoy dodging excrement. Please carry a bag and pick up after your pet.
Remember also, that even the sweetest dog may seem intimidating to some people. Respect their rights and comply with leash laws.
Copper Grove homeowners, please like and let your neighbors know about the new Copper Grove Neighborhood Facebook page where updates and important information regarding the Copper Grove neighborhood and other community news will be shared.
For our website, please contact Crest Management to get the information you need to get registered for our website www.crest-management.com.
Vice President: Mike Palermo
Director: Richard Ater
Garbage pick up occurs on Wednesday and Saturday.
Curb appeal has a big impact on your property value, even if your home is not for sale. Buyers evaluate the neighborhood, not just one house. Stand back from your house and take a close look to see if it needs a mini-makeover. Think about security as well. Has your shrubbery become overgrown, covering windows or blocking the sidewalk? Do low-hanging limbs obscure the front? Does the lawn have brown areas or weeds? Is the siding mildewed or paint peeling? You may want to ask a friend’s opinion; it is easy to overlook things we see everyday. Make plans now to spruce up.
Cars that are parked in the street are also a turn-off to buyers. Make the extra effort to keep cars in the driveway. It looks better and is safer for your neighbors and your car.
The Volume of letters sent regarding Violations continues to be an increasing expense for the Copper Grove Home Owners Association. All expenses incurred including postage to mail out fines, weigh seriously on the assessments paid by each homeowner. We request your compliance to help keep cost to a minimum and to keep our community as attractive as possible.
Leaving trash cans out in public view.
- Not maintaining your yard.
- Not maintaining your fencing.
- Not maintaining your paint on your house/or mold on the siding.
Please be mindful to keep all dogs on a leash when walking them, to keep the community safe. Also please be respectful of your neighbors and clean up after your dog.
Harris County Public Health: 281-999-3191
City of Houston Animal Control: 713-837-0311
Houston S.P.C.A.: 713-869-7722
Harris County Animal Services does not handle wildlife issues. They handle problems with domestic animals, namely dogs and cats. If you have a complaint about a barking dog or a dangerous dog or have any questions about lost pets, stray cats, pet adoptions, leash laws, etc, give the county a call. It is a free county service for domestic animal issues. The county will not take care of the raccoon in your yard, the squirrels in your attic, your rat infestation or anything like that. For wildlife help, see our phone number below or go to our Houston wildlife removal home page.
What to do when your neighbor’s dog won’t stop barking in Houston - Is your neighbor’s dog keeping you up at all hours of the night and day with its incessant barking? There is nothing worse, especially when you or your kids are trying to sleep! Perhaps the dog barking is setting off your dog and all you can hear all day is a chorus of bad barking? Whatever the case is - you have rights and there are some steps that you should take in order to get the barking to stop. You will probably want to avoid actually confronting the neighbor as this can often end up in a rather heated debate. You should write or type up a small note mentioning the dog barking - nine times out of ten, the owner will be at work and probably doesn’t even realize what is going on. Make it short, to the point and polite - exactly how you would want someone to talk to you if your dog was making a crazy racket! If nothing happens or the letter isn’t in some way acknowledged you can always turn to your local housing organization or landlord if you are renting. There will normally be noise stipulations in rental agreements, so it is well worth finding out if your neighbors are renting and getting in touch with their landlord as well. You will find that most residential areas have noise control rules set in place, so don’t be afraid to find out what your rights are. If nothing happens from your complaint to the owner of the dog and the housing organization, (or neither of you are renting) it’s time to take a different approach. This time, grab some information on the noise control in your area and print them out. Combine this in a neat little package with another letter, basically saying exactly what the first one did, but this time mentioning that this is the second time that you have tried to contact them about the complaint and that you will be taking the matter further if nothing is resolved. Again, do not be threatening or menacing in your words or language. If you still don’t get a positive outcome from your effort, it’s time to call the boys in blue. You will need to remember that a dog barking situation is not always going to be a priority for your local law enforcement agency, buy you do still have rights so you should report the complaint. Make yourself a log of everything that has been going on -photos or noise clips of the dog barking, times and dates and also how long the barking goes on for, all copies of the correspondence you have with the owner/neighbor etc. You will need all the evidence that you can get your hands on in order to get your problem resolved. Get yourself a lawyer. There are ways around this problem and if it comes to resorting to a small claims court in order to allow your kids or yourself to get a good night’s sleep or a nap, so be it!
Please DO NOT TAPE FLIERS of any kind to our metal fencing. It removes the paint when the tape is pulled off. Thus they we need to be painted before they start to rust.
Great Website for information on recycling: www.recycleinfo.org
- Three items per household per day.
- Nearly everything electronic, including tube TVs and monitors up to 32 inch, flat-panel TVs and monitors up to 60 inch, peripherals, DVD players, home and car audio, cell phones, MP3 players and cables.
- Desktop or laptop computers.
- Small electrics, fans and vacuums.
Sommermeyer Recycling Facility on Sommermeyer St.
Since we aren’t Houston residents, we can’t use the dump facilities, but they will take recycling: paper, glass, metal and plastic.