Ensuring Continuous Water Services: Nottingham MUD's Resilience During Power Outages
Have you ever wondered how your water services continue during a power outage?
Thanks to the district's robust contingency plans, Nottingham MUD residents can rest assured knowing that their water services remain uninterrupted even during power outages. Nottingham MUD's Plant is equipped with an onsite diesel-fueled emergency power generator. This critical infrastructure ensures that essential operations at the Plant continue seamlessly even when CenterPoint power is unavailable.
Moreover, offsite Well No. 3 is similarly fortified with an onsite diesel-fueled emergency power generator. This backup system enables Well No. 3 to pump water back to the Plant autonomously during power disruptions. This dual-layered approach not only guarantees a reliable water supply but also underscores Nottingham MUD's commitment to maintaining service continuity in all circumstances.
As for waste water, Nottingham MUD's Waste Water Treatment Plant also has an onsite diesel-fueled emergency power generator, which provides electrical power to operate the WWTP when CenterPoint power is unavailable.
Residents can take comfort knowing that Nottingham MUD's comprehensive emergency preparedness ensures water services remain dependable and accessible throughout any outage scenario. To learn sign up for emergency alerts issued by Nottingham MUD, please visit ncmud.classicmessaging.com.