Cy-Fair ISD 2022-2023 Calendar Approved
The CFISD Board of Trustees approved the calendar committee’s recommendations for the 2022-2023 instructional calendar during its regularly scheduled meeting on Jan. 13, 2022.
State law mandates that instruction for the school year may not begin before the fourth Monday in August. For the 2022-2023 instructional year, the earliest start date is Aug. 22—which will serve as the first day of school.
In the fall semester of 2021, a calendar committee was organized to develop a calendar for the 2022-2023 school year. The committee was made up of district-wide representation, including teachers, parents, community members, campus administrators and support staff. The committee sought public input online while working to construct the calendar using the 75,600 minutes needed to complete a school year required by law.
The committee recommended a calendar to the school board that will conclude the 2022-2023 school year on May 25, 2023.
students begin school on Monday, Aug. 22, 2022;
- Labor Day, Sept. 5, 2022, is a student/staff holiday;
- the calendar has a five-day Thanksgiving holiday (Nov. 21-25, 2022);
- an 11-day winter break is scheduled for students (Dec. 19, 2022-Jan. 2, 2023);
- a five-day spring break is scheduled for March 13-17, 2023;
- Good Friday, April 7, 2023, is a student/staff holiday;
- the school year will end on May 25, 2023 for students;
- the calendar features five teacher work days/school closure make-up days that are also student holidays: Sept. 26, 2022, Oct. 24, 2022, Jan. 13, 2023, Feb. 17, 2023 and April 10, 2023; and
- Feb. 20 and May 26, 2023 are designated as inclement weather makeup days.
To download a copy of the 2022-2023 school calendar, visit the CFISD website at www.cfisd.net/en/calendar/.