Concord Colony March News
Feelin’ lucky like a four leaf clover, with wonderful neighbors who we’ve been fortunate to build a community with!
As spring approaches and flowers begin to bloom, homeowners should take advantage of the weather by tackling those projects that improve your homes outward appears. Grass, flowers beds, gutters and even the curbs along your property need attention once in a while. *Please note any major changes to the exterior of your home including large flower beds, rock features, tree removals/planting need to be approved by the Board.*
We have received several comments about owners not picking up after their dogs. Please be courteous to your neighbors by responsibly picking up after your pet.
We’ve recently noticed a lot of unattended children and teens at our park after hours. Though the parks meant for everyone to enjoy, we ask that children be accompanied by an adult. We ask that everyone be respect of the park and treat it as community property. A lot of property damage and vandalism has happened recently and as such, we must also keep in mind the HOA fees go to maintaining the park and other public properties. We will continue to battle the repairs that must be made by those who have access to our park. BUT please know that the more we do to repair vandalism, the less opportunities we will have for community events.
Concord Colony will soon host a meet and greet with our local Deputy (Month of April with larger announcement to come). We would like to host an open meet and greet with our local sheriffs department to discuss safety concerns. This will also give us the ability to learn from our deputies about issues in our own and neighboring Colonies and how as a community we can come together to prevent/ deter crime.
Assessments for 2022 were due in January. With late fees and interest adding up, please take the time to contact our community management group to discuss payment options. Communication is key to making sure you are up to date on payments. Payment plans are available for those who contact our management company.
Officially beginning the month(s) of May-November Concord Colony will be honoring “yard of the month”. Once a month a different homeowner will be given a $25 gift card to Lowes or Home Depot, as well as a sign placed in their yard- from the HOA- to congratulate them on a job well done! Investing in our community, with homeowners who take pride in where they live!
******The CRPOA Board is looking for your alternatives for the continued use and enjoyment of the pool - or not, such that we may plan ahead. To discuss these options, the CRPOA plans to hold a Town Hall meeting at the MUD #102 bldg. on March 22, 2022, at 6:30 PM.******
See full story in Colony (CRPA) news.