Concord Bridge Swim Team Announces 2024 Swim Season Registration
Summer is fast approaching, and that means swim season is just around the corner! The Concord Bridge Dolphins are gearing up for another exciting swim season, so get the scoop on registration and more.
2024 Registration
Registration officially opens on March 15th. Early Bird Pricing will last for 3 days (3/15 - 3/17) and you get a $10 discount per swimmer. Don't miss out! Check out these key dates:
- Early Bird Registration - March 15th
- Regular Priced Registration - March 18th
- Late Registration - April 8th
- Practices Begin - April 15th
- Time Trials - May 4th
2024 Practice Schedule (Preliminary)
Starting 4/15/2024
Monday through Friday
4:00 pm to 5:00 pm ..... ages 13 & Up
5:00 pm to 5:30 pm ..... ages 6 & under PLUS non-swimmers
5:30 pm to 6:30 pm ..... ages 11 & 12
6:30 pm to 7:15 pm ..... ages 7 & 8
7:15 pm to 8:00 pm ..... ages 9 & 10
About the Concord Bridge Dolphins
The Dolphins are a competitive swim team participating in the Northwest Houston Aquatic League (NWAL). The Concord Bridge Swim Team is usually made up of approximately 120 swimmers between the ages of 4-18 from Concord Bridge and surrounding neighborhoods (including The Colonies, Eldridge Park, Twin Lakes, and more). We strive to develop competitive and recreational swimming and foster good sportsmanship for the benefit of local youth.
The pool is located at 13403 Caanan Bridge Drive, Houston, TX 77041.
For more information about the Concord Bridge Dolphins, please visit their website at concordbridge.swimtopia.com.