Clothed by Faith to Celebrate 10th Anniversary with Hope at the Ballpark
Clothed by Faith is celebrating 10 years of clothing our neighbors with hope and dignity!
In the summer of 2013, Clothed by Faith founder Abi Fourie felt called by the Lord to reach out to the underserved in Katy. She decided to reach out to citizens walking the same path that she had experienced as a little girl, struggling without enough to wear and all the stigma and side-effects that go alongside.
Since 2013, Clothed by Faith has grown from Abi’s garage to a ministry that has given clothing to children and adults in need across the Greater Houston Area. Because of the hard work and support of our volunteers, donors, and staff Clothed by Faith has given clothing to over 110,000 children and adults.
The mission of Clothed by Faith is to demonstrate God's love through the provision of gently used clothing to those in need. Their objective is simple: to give one week's worth of clothing, free of charge, to anyone in need. Clothed by Faith's volunteers and staff customize a week’s worth of gently used clothing, shoes, new underwear, and new socks for each child or adult. The clothing and shoes are carefully sorted, selected, and packaged in a gift bag specifically for each client in a manner that offers them confidence, hope, and dignity.
On Saturday, September 23, Clothed by Faith will host Hope at the Ballpark to celebrate their tenth anniversary, where Clothed by Faith staff, volunteers and supporters will watch a baseball game between the Space Cowboys and the El Paso Chihuahuas at Constellation Field. To purchase tickets and join the fun, click here. If you can't make the event, please consider making a donation towards Clothed by Faith's goal of raising $100,000 to help Clothed by Faith continue their mission to serve the community and expand their reach to even more individuals who are in need of clothing and hope.
For more information, please contact charity@clothedbyfaith.org.
Source: CBF