Cimarron Drainage Improvements Update
Cimarron Sections 2,3,4, & 5: Celebrate!
After many years of planning and more than half a year of construction, Harris County’s contractor, R Construction Company, should be wrapping up the drainage improvements in Cimarron Subdivision, Sections 2-5, in late November or early December. The updated completion schedule is shown below and remains subject to change based upon contractor staffing, weather, equipment, and other conditions.
Thank you to our Cimarron residents for your patience and understanding as this project has progressed. The MUD 81 Board began working on this project after residents whose homes flooded during Hurricane Harvey came to the Board to request that we consider drainage improvements to upgrade decades-old facilities to current standards and help reduce future flooding risk. We are grateful to Harris County for partnering with us to bring this important project to fruition, and to our residents who overwhelmingly voted in favor of the May 2021 bond election to fund MUD 81’s portion of the cost.
Source: Harris County MUD No. 81