Can I recycle this?
Have you often wondered what is and is not acceptable for recycling? Get all of your questions answered!
Best Trash takes great pride in our recycling program and efforts. Ensuring the best recycle program for our customers takes time and effort on both sides. Please remove caps, liquids and food products from inside the containers. Please only use the provided recycle cart for recyclable materials; it is NOT an extra trash container. If you have more than what will fit in the recycle container, please place bags, boxes, or containers clearly labeled recycle next to the Best Trash provided recycle cart.
Best Trash will collect paper (including cardboard), plastics (1-7), aluminum and tin cans, and glass (all colors) that are placed within the provided recycling cart. If items exceed container capacity, please place them adjacent to bin well-marked as recyclable materials. If you find items left in your bin, it means they are not recyclable. Please dispose of these items in your trash container for the next scheduled pick up.
- Newspaper & Inserts
- Magazines & catalogs
- Junk Mail,, envelopes, file folders
- Office paper-any color
- Corrugated cardboard boxes
- Cereal and Gift boxes, etc
- Paper bags & phone books
- Wrapping Paper, packaging paper
- Paper books and hard cover books
- Milk and Juice Cartons
- Wax coated boxes
- Shredded paper
- Toilet and Paper towel rolls
- Pizza boxes
- Glass-clear and colored
- Aluminum Cans
- Aluminum Foil
- Aluminum foil plates/containers
- Plastic bottles, jars, tubs and buckets (examples are soda, water, milk, juice, liquor, detergent, condiments, salad dressing, butter, pet food containers, etc.)
- Metal Food cans (tin and steel)
- Metal pots and pans
- Gutters (not longer than 4 feet)
- Electric wiring-cut up in small pieces
- Empty Aerosol Cans
- Yard waste
- Clothing
- Windows
- Mirrors
- Wood
- Diapers
- Plastic bags
- Coat hangers
- Light bulbs
- Paint
- Furniture
- Hoses
- Used paper towels
- Used tissues
- Styrofoam
- Ceramics
- Film