Bradford Colony 1 & 2 March News
If you have not downloaded the app TownSq or sign up an account there, (https://app.townsq.io/associa/signup) please do so. All you need is your account number with PMG (our management company). If you need to get it, please call them and they can provide that to you. Once signed up, you will be able to see our news, announcements, monthly meeting schedules, deed restrictions and governing documents, ACC form etc... You can also post your questions and get responses there which often is more convenient and quicker than emails.
We want to give a big thank you to all those homeowners who have already paid the 2022 annual assessment and for those who have not, late fee, handling fee and interest will be added to your outstanding balance every month starting 2/1/2022 as long as the balance is not paid off, this can add up to a lot of money. It is really worth it to take time to contact our PMG manager to arrange for a payment plan instead of keep ignoring the dues owe. Payment plan must be approved by property manager and not a plan on your own. Bear in mind that there is monthly handling fees to payment plans that we cannot avoid. The best way to economize so you don’t have all these fees adding up is to pay off your entire balance and if possible, to start prepaying a little bit every month for next year. Prepay installment does not have handling fees.
If you would like to arrange for a payment plan, please contact our management company new rep Rose Rodriguez by email at r.rodriguez@pmghouston.com or by phone 713-329-7151 immediately.
Our monthly meeting is always scheduled on 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7 PM. The meetings are still expected to be virtual meetings instead of face-to-face at this time. Meeting information can always be found in our TownSq app. The notification of meeting is posted in TownSq at least a week prior to meeting date.