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Bradford Colony 1 & 2 January News

Bradford Colony 1 & 2 January News

January 03 2022



HAPPY NEW YEAR to all! The Board wishes our residents a happy and healthy new year!


If you do not have a copy of our deed restrictions, please register your home in TownSq and you will be able to download a complete copy from the “Documents” tab.

We really enjoy seeing a lot of the homes in our community decorated for the holidays. However, one of the restrictions is that you will have to take down these decorations in January. Christmas lights, decorations, etc... should not be left at the street view side of your homes after January. We are not strict as far as setting an exact date you must remove them, but after January, they should have been removed, if not, you may receive violation letter. We know each of s really want to be good neighbors and good community partners, so please adhere to the restrictions set in our by-laws.


As a reminder, annual assessment is due on January 1st of every year and late fees + interest will be added to your balance if payment is not posted to your account by 1/31/2022. The payment will have to be received by PMG’s processing center and posted to your account on or before 1/31/2022 to avoid late fees and interest, not the post-mark date you mail it or date you make an electronic payment since it take time for processing. So please mail you payment early to allow time for processing. Taking the payment physically to PMG DOES NOT expedite the process because PMG does not process the payments in their office that day, they simply mail it for you.

The assessment is due even if you do not receive an invoice in mail. The invoice will be mailed sometime in early December. Not getting the bill in mail does not mean you don’t have to pay. Board thanks all those homeowners who have always paid timely and correct amount. In the past some small payment differences were written-off if they are only a few days late but we will stop doing this as it is unfair to others who pay on time and pay correct dues amount. So please be aware that if you do not allow time for payment processing, a late fee + interest will be applied to your account every month until it is paid off.

If you are new to our community, you may not know that our annual assessment DOES NOT include fees for using the community pool. If you are interested in using the community pool, you may register with the management company that manages the pool and pay the extra fee to use the facility. The open house/registration is usually held in April or May every year. The management company information can be found in the “Contact List” on the page of this newsletter.


Our monthly meeting is always scheduled on 2nd Tuesday at 7 PM. The meetings are still expected to be a conference call instead of face-to-face meeting. Meeting information can always be found in our TownSq app. If you have not registered for an account in TownSq, it is easy and it can be downloaded as an app to your phone simply using your email and property account number assigned by PMG (it can also be found on your assessment bill) or you can contact PMG to obtain it. The next meetings will be held on 1/11/2022, 2/8/2022 and 3/8/2022.

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