Bradford Colony 1 & 2 February News
The annual assessment was due 1/1/2022 so if the payment has not been posted to your account on or before 1/31/2022, you will incur late fee and interest every month the balance is not paid off. If you would like to start a payment plan so these fees don’t continue to pile up, please contact our property manager Rose Rodriguez at 713-329-7151 immediately. As always, we appreciate and thank those homeowners who had paid their dues timely. This is the only income source of our subdivision in order to pay for electricity for street lights, water bills, landscaping, repairs and replacements, all the maintenances and add new facilities to our park. We plan to redo our landscaping to our entrances in spring, just want to wait and avoid late freezing temperature like we had in previous years that killed the new plants.
Let’s kick off the new year with a great looking neighborhood by observing the deed restrictions setup for our subdivision. If you intend to make and modifications or repair to the outside of your home, please submit the ACC request to our PMG property manager before doing it. Approval must be obtained prior to the work to begin. If you ever receive a violation letter and need more information on the violation, please contact our PMG manager and discuss the issues. We try to work with all homeowners to correct the problem but we cannot let violations go without corrections.
The app TownSq is where you can find our news, announcements, monthly meeting schedules, governing documents, etc. Please set up your account there if you have not done so.