April 2022 News
April 01 2022
We continue to receive comments about owners not picking up after their dogs. Please be courteous to your neighbors by responsibly picking up after your pet. Please also know that not ALL dogs have owners. This is a sad aspect of our society, some dogs may be abandoned. IF you think there is a loose abandoned PLEASE CALL the animal control.
We are embarking on the month of April, all Christmas decor should be taken down.
- It is a violation of our deed restrictions to park commercial vehicles, trailers, etc in public view.
- Before doing exterior home improvements, please fill out a Modification Request Form you can find on TownSquare.
- Residents that have plans for home improvements MUST get approval from the HOA. We understand TownSquare may not always be the easiest to use. Please know you can contact our management company and they can always assist you with putting in an application.
- The HOA has 30 days to respond to any requests. If they request more info/details about your project it is up to YOU to provide those details before moving forward with the project.
The board welcomes homeowners to join our monthly meetings held the 2nd Tuesday of every month. Meetings are held at the MUD building with call in options available. Notification of meeting info is sent out monthly via TownSquare for privacy. Meetings are held for homeowners input, homeowner questions, and to hear about neighborhood update from HOA volunteers.
Spring and fall are the best times to sign with electric companies. After last months freeze when some people were shocked by their electric bills, now is the best time to search for a new company. org searches by your zip code and lets you select how many months of service you want.
- New insulation can drastically change your heating and cooling bill! Insulation comes in many different forms; rolls, blow-in, and foam. Getting new insulation can also help during deep freezes by covering plumbing that runs through the attic.
- New windows can be extremely expensive. You can save some money by making sure your existing windows/doors have adequate insulation. Properly caulking or weatherstripping windows and doors will prevent air seepage.
Have you joined us on Facebook? Another great way to contact neighbors, make announcements, and spread some joy! www.facebook.com/groups/ConcordColony.