American Furniture Warehouse Funds Katy ISD Teacher Grants
The Katy ISD Education Foundation salutes American Furniture Warehouse (AFW) for their extraordinary $58,000 contribution through their $chool Rewards program. The Katy ISD Education Foundation’s sole purpose is to provide resources to Katy ISD teachers through its Inspiring Imagination teacher grants. American Furniture Warehouse’s donation is the largest to-date in the Foundation’s 10-year history and will positively impact the number of grants awarded to Katy ISD teachers this spring. “The Katy ISD Education Foundation’s partnership with American Furniture Warehouse is a perfect example of the kind of community support that helps us benefit even more Katy ISD teachers and their students. We applaud AFW’s commitment to the Katy community and are grateful for their support,” says Matt Schomburg, Katy ISD Education Foundation board president.
The Katy ISD Education Foundation has awarded over $2.6 million in grants to Katy ISD teachers over the past 10 years, impacting students in classrooms all around the district. Its vision of uniting the community in making targeted investments in Katy ISD schools is perfectly represented by its alliance with community-minded organizations like American Furniture Warehouse. “In appreciation of the Katy ISD families supporting American Furniture Warehouse, we are committed to reciprocating real community value to enhance the quality of education in your schools, something we realize most all families want and are partial to. Our “Better Your Home, Better Your School” Rewards program is a success because of Katy ISD. AFW thanks you!” declares Tim Tesone, AFW School Rewards Director.
About American Furniture Warehouse - American Furniture Warehouse has expanded into a sixteen-store operation that includes 10 stores in Colorado, 3 stores in Arizona, and 3 stores in Texas, and has experienced a remarkable growth trend over the years. Today, American Furniture Warehouse is one of the top retail furniture companies in the U.S. and one of the largest privately held businesses in Colorado.
About the Katy ISD Education Foundation
The Katy ISD Education Foundation unites people and companies with big hearts and a big belief in Katy ISD teachers and students to provide unprecedented opportunities for both. To join us in helping extraordinary teachers create extraordinary classroom experiences visit katyisdeducationfoundation.org. The Katy ISD Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit for which contributions are deductible to the extent allowed by law.