Exterior Home Modifications in VCL Lakeside

If you are repainting your home, adding a patio cover, or any other major upgrade to your home, request approval from the property manager FIRST by completing an ACC form. This and other forms are found on the Lakeside Residential website under For Residents > Online Forms or by clicking this link. Note that required fees are charged based on the improvement type. Fees range from $25 (irrigation) to $1,000 (swimming pool-refundable). HOA Board members do NOT approve ACC requests. Those are handled directly by Inframark.

NOTE: If you are replacing a fence in the same location as the existing fence and making no modifications, no ACC form is needed. Also, no ACC form is needed for a storm door if it is all glass, and the frame matches the 5 color scheme of the home. In addition, if replacing the roof and not making any color or materials change, no ACC form is needed.

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