Lakemont Pool Details
Your 1st initial set of pool cards are complimentary. These cards will be active from one year to the next. Please keep them in safe location.
If you are leasing your home, please provide a copy of the lease along with your application to LakemontCA@grahammanagementhouston.com.
Pool Card Applications can be submitted online at this website.
Replacement cards are available for $5.00 per card payable online at this website. Please contact the office if you need help locating your account number.
Please note that if your account is delinquent, the access cards will be deactivated until the account is made current.
There is limited capacity at the pools. Late afternoon and early evenings are the busiest times, so please be aware that if capacity is maxed out, you may be turned away at that time.
Some of you have asked for more clarification on what max capacity means. These are the general guidelines that the guards follow. Max capacity means 20 people per lifeguard ON DECK. That means, if there are 2 guards on the stand, and 1 guard at the sign in area, then there is a 40 person max. If there is 1 guard on the stand, and 1 guard at the sign in area, there is a max of 20 people.
Swim breaks will also vary situationally, dependent on if the pool is or is not at max capacity. If not at capacity, there is a 10-minute break at 10 minutes prior to the hour. If it is at capacity, there is 20 minutes per hour of safety break. The guards can choose to do 40 minutes swim and 20 minutes out, or 20 minutes swim and 10 minutes out each half hour. (They usually do the 1st option as it gives swimmers an extended swim session)
Other variables could factor into the max capacity and swim break schedule as well. A quick example might be if there are several weaker swimmers in the water.
- Treat the lifeguards with respect. Speak to them in a manner you would consider appropriate if it was your child. It does not matter if you think you are in the right. To reiterate, BE RESPECTFUL!
- Lifeguards on duty are NOT babysitters! If your child is under 10, requires floaties, or are weak swimmers they should NOT be in the pool without a parent or guardian within arm’s reach of the child
- Lifeguards on duty will enforce pool rules to the best of their ability. Pool rules are posted in the entry.
- No alcohol or smoking within the pools gated perimeter.
- SWIM ATTIRE ONLY, nothing else is permitted if you will be entering the pool. The lifeguards will enforce this rule with zero exceptions