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The Clubhouse is available for rental for non-profit activities to both Settlement residents in good standing with the Association and non-residents subject to the fee schedules listed below.

Up to 49 people
$75 plus a refundable security deposit of $200

50-100 people
$100 plus a refundable security deposit of $400
When alcohol is served* or the party includes 20 or more attendees between the ages of 13 to 21 who are unaccompanied by their family members the $400 deposit applies.

Up to 20 people
$30 (Small Room is 17’ X 15’ and rental does not include kitchen)
Plus a refundable security deposit of $50

*Note that when alcohol is served, security guards must also be on duty. For parties with up to 49 attendees, one guard is required. Parties with 50 and above attendees require two. HCSO deputies are available to provide this service and can be booked by emailing Deputy Theo, the coordinator, at at least two weeks prior to the party. As of January 2025, the resident requesting the rental must pay security guards directly at a rate of $50 per hour per guard for a minimum of two and not exceeding four hours.

Also, if there are more than 20 young people between the ages of 13 and 21 unaccompanied by their family members, then the Association requires one responsible adult for every 10 of these young persons to act as chaperones.

All deposits refundable upon passing the exit inspection.


The Big Room (only) is available for daily rental by non-residents as follows:


Max of 100 people
$500 plus a refundable security deposit of $500

*Note that when alcohol is served, security guards must also be on duty. For parties with up to 49 attendees, one guard is required. Parties with 50 and above attendees require two. HCSO deputies are available to provide this service and can be booked by emailing Deputy Theo, the coordinator, at at least two weeks prior to the party. As of January 2025, the resident requesting the rental must pay security guards directly at a rate of $50 per hour per guard for a minimum of two and not exceeding four hours.

Also, if there are more than 20 young people between the ages of 13 and 21 unaccompanied by their family members, then the Association requires one responsible adult for every 10 of these young persons to act as chaperones.

The deposit is refundable upon passing the exit inspection.

During Pool Hours
  • Only 1 group at a time.
  • Parties must be scheduled at least 2 weeks ahead of time using the Clubhouse Booking Form.
  • Parties held during open hours are restricted to 20 or fewer persons (adults and children) who will be entering the pool and do not have their own pool tags and a total of not more than 60 persons in the pool area.
  • Parties that include a total of between 15 and 40 swimmers (i.e. including those who have their own pool tags) are required to hire one additional lifeguard.
  • Parties that include more than 40 swimmers (i.e. including those who have their own pool tags) are required to hire two additional lifeguards.
  • There will be a $20 set up fee for any party requiring an additional lifeguard.
  • Parties requiring an additional lifeguard(s) cannot be booked after August 1st.  
  • Parties that are longer than two hours are required to hire one additional lifeguard.
  • The charge for additional guard(s) will be $35 per hour with a minimum of 2 hours.
  • If at any time the number of swimmers in the water or the number of persons within the pool area (including regular pool users who are not members of the party) exceeds the limits that can be safely managed by the lifeguards on duty then the guards have the authority to ask some swimmers to leave the water or in extreme cases to close the pool.
  • Two responsible adults must be in the pool area at all times acting as chaperons to ensure the good behavior of all members of the party.
  • Party to be over and the area cleaned up by pool closing at 8 PM.
After Hours
  • After Hours Parties are only available prior to August 1st and must be scheduled at least 2 weeks ahead of time using the Clubhouse Booking Form.
  • Rental fee 1-49 people $50
  • Rental fee 50 plus people $95
Other Pool Rental Rules
  • Private pool parties may only be scheduled on days on which the pool is open. The parties may start at 8 PM and must end, the area cleaned up and the facility vacated by the scheduled end of the party, either 10 PM or 11 PM as selected on the booking form. The lifeguards will clear the pool 15 minutes prior to end time.
  • One responsible adult for every 10 persons under the age of 21 must be in the pool area at all times acting as chaperones to ensure the good behavior of all members of the party.
  • Lifeguards will be booked by the Association from the pool management company. There will be a minimum of 2 lifeguards plus an additional guard for every 25 persons in excess of 40 who will be entering the pool. The per-lifeguard hourly fee is $35.
  • The cost for the lifeguards will be added to the rental fee and will be payable by the renter to the Association at the time the booking is confirmed.
  • A $150 refundable deposit is required. (No exceptions!)
For clubhouse and pool availability refer to the Clubhouse/Pool Bookings page of the Association website, then to make a reservation please complete the on the on-line Clubhouse Booking Form for either or both the rental of the clubhouse or pool.
If you need further information, call Dave Ellis at 281-347-2580.
If you need further information, call Dave Ellis at 281-347-2580.

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