Copperfield Place Policies & Procedures
We are still receiving many complaints that dogs are running loose in the neighborhood. If this is the case, call animal control!
If you are walking your dogs, keep them on a leash at ALL times. This is a deed restriction and also against Harris County Leash Law. Be considerate of others. Many children are afraid of animals, and also people in the neighborhood do not appreciate dogs running around loose in their yards using it for doggie stations. Use the green belt area .
Chaparral follows a strict process of notification letters over a period of time and after all attempts fail to have the homeowner correct the violation(s) legal action may follow.
- REMEMBER it is against our deed restrictions to have commercial vehicles or vans, trailers, boats, or jet skis in the street, driveway or parked in the Cul de Sacs. You will be charged a fee if you have been cited before for the same offense or for repeated violations. This offense creates emergency vehicles access ability at times and therefore considered a serious violation.
- Trash cans in full view are the most cited deed restriction. Store trash cans the evening of pick up or morning day after.
- Exteriormodifications to your home, including paint, need to be submitted for approval prior to the commencement of work. Please do not paint home, window or door trims and garage doors without prior approval. If it does not meet the ACC Specifications, you will have to repaint. Avoid unnecessary time and money by getting prior approval of any changes to the outside property or home.
- Please read deed restriction letters and respond accordingly. If you think you received this in error, please contact Chaparral immediately. Repeated cites or non-compliance letters will automatically incur a fee against your account.
- Before removing any trees from your front yard, please submit a request for the project. This is also a deed restriction violation since it changes the appearance of your yard or front of your home.
Please visit the portal to obtain a copy of deed restrictions. Visit for access.

Our emergency vehicles have again requested that we keep our house numbers marked where it is visible! You may stencil paint the house number on the street curb in front of your home large enough where it can be easily read or make the existing original number on the wall of your home visible. Keep your trees or bushes cleared from the existing number. It is imperative and could save a life if they don’t have to spend time looking for an address. The fire department still requires you to have your trees trimmed so they can have easy access in case of a fire.
Vehicles must be parked legally on the roadway and facing the correct direction for the side of the road which it is parked on. Additionally the below applies:
- Must park within 18 inches of the curb with BOTH right side wheels, which means you CANNOT park FACE IN in a cul de sac. This is parking at an angle where prohibited.
- Must park no closer than 15 feet from a fire hydrant on either side of said hydrant.
- Must park no closer than 30 feet on the approach side of a stop sign at an intersection.
- Must not block any driveways with any part of the vehicle.
If your vehicle does not fit in your driveway or blocks the sidewalk then park on the street. Be courteous of others so that people and their children can walk on the sidewalk and people in wheelchairs can still get around without going into the street. Blocking sidewalks is illegal in Harris County and you can be issued a citation if violation occurs.