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Trash and Recycling Service Info

Trash and Recycling Service Info

January 06 2022

Trash/Recycling Services

Trash Collection 

For information on the change from Waste Management to Texas Pride, please see the following document: Nottingham Country Fund Trash Contract and on recent service disruptions: Service Disruptions.
Trash is collected on Mondays and Thursdays by Texas Pride. Trash is collected at the curb. Please place your trash cans at the curb by 7 a.m. 
Yard waste must be bagged or placed in cans. Branches should be placed curbside in bundles no longer than 4 feet. 
Bulk and heavy trash is collected every service day. Up to two items will be collected per service day. Bulk and heavy trash includes furniture, appliance, carpet, fencing (nails removed), and other large bulky items. 
Texas Pride will not collect the following items: dirt, rocks, brick, concrete, liquid paint, fuels, oils, tires, pesticides, fertilizer, or batteries. 
Recycling is collected on Mondays by Texas Pride. Each home is provided a 96 gallon recycle bin. Please place the bin at the curb by 7 a.m. Texas Pride recycles the following items when clean, rinsed, and dryed: 
Newspaper, catalogs, grocery bags, paperboard (soda/cereal boxes), junk mail, wrapping paper, egg cartons, carboard boxes, magazines, file folders, shoe boxes, paper towel rolls, envelopes, computer paper, phone books and waxboard boxes
Plastics #1 - 7, milk/juice bottles, soda/water bottles, shampoo/soap bottles, bleach/detergent containers, household cleaner containers, plastic flower pots, microwave dinner trays. 
Texas Pride will not recycle styrofoam or plastic bags.
Aluminum cans, aluminum foil, metal jar lids, pots & pans, pet food cans, pie trays
Texas Pride will not recycle coat hangers; however, these can often be returned to your local dry cleaners.
Clear and colored

NOTE: Texas Pride will not recycle ceramics, mirrors, light bulbs, or paper towels.

Holiday Schedule

Holidays are observed on New Year's Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Trash and recycling will not be collected on these days and will be collected on your next regularly scheduled collection day.

Find out more about Home for the Holidays


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