Pool Schedule and Registration
Saturday, May 21st
Pool Opening/Closing 10:00 am – 9:00 pm
Pool Registration 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
The first day of Sydney Harbour’s 2022 pool opening will take place Saturday, May 21st, at 10:00 am. A pool schedule is below. Pool registration will be held from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm for any resident who has not received a pool pass in the past or anyone who needs a replacement. After May 31st a late fee of $35.00 will be charged for a pass. Only new property owners will be exempt from the fees. If you rent your home, you may apply for a pool card but must provide written consent from the owner/landlord. If you have outstanding violations or have not paid your annual dues, you are not allowed in the pool until all debts are cleared.
NOTE: You must have a pool pass to enter the pool area.
May 21st – September 5th 10:00 am – 9:00 pm
(Note: Pool will be closed May 23rd - 27th due to lack of lifeguards. Will re-open May 28th)
Pool Will Be Closed on Mondays For Cleaning
May 30th, July 4th, September 5th (Monday)
Pool Will Be Open for Holiday Use
Pool Will Be Closed the Following Day (Tuesday) For Cleaning
September 5th will be the last open day
As a member in good standing you may apply for a swimming pool pass. The electronic pool pass system will continue for the pool season. Should you already have an access card you will use the same card again this year. To access the pool area you must be a Sydney Harbour Homeowners Association resident and/or their invited guest(s)/appointed guardian(s) only. Residents will need to be current on their dues to access the pool area. Delinquencies will result in temporary loss of pool privileges and the residents’ pool key card will be deactivated.
To activate your card(s), simply fill out the attached application in its entirety. If you are a new owner/resident and do not have a pass, you will need to attend a pool registration or send in the application with the appropriate funds.
In order to receive an access card or for the pass to be reactivated you must meet the following requirements:
- You must live in or own a home in the Sydney Harbor H.O.A. If you rent your home, you may apply for a pool card but must provide written consent from the owner/landlord.
- Your account must be current ($0.00 balance). To retain your pool pass privileges, your account must remain in good standing for the entire pool season. Any questions regarding a balance on the account should be directed to Montage Community Services at 832-600-4142.
Admission to the pool requires an active pool access card. Pool cards are not transferable and will not be issued/ activated to any household member if there is a delinquency in association dues. Only two outside guests per card are allowed!
- The Pool Management Staff (manager, assistant manager, lifeguards, gate attendants) have absolute authority over enforcing the pool rules and operations and safety conditions of the pool. The manager is in charge of the pool and uses his/her discretion to enforce the rules and regulations to maintain a safe and healthy environment. The manager or assistant manager, due to violation of rules, may deny admission to the pool for however long they feel is appropriate, subject only to review of the Board of Directors.
- Any unauthorized person(s) found inside the pool enclosure when the pool is closed will lose their privileges for the remainder of the summer and may be subject to prosecution for trespassing.
- The following are prohibited in the pool area: Glass or sharp metal objects, pets, abusive language, running, horse play, wheeled vehicles except baby carriages, strollers or wheel chairs, persons wearing bandages and/or with skin abrasions, and alcoholic beverages. The Pool Management Staff reserves the right to inspect any container and refuse entry if alcoholic beverages are found.
- Behavior which is considered unsanitary or offensive will result in loss of pool privileges.
- Do not open the gate at the pool for anyone who does not have a key to enter or a non-working key card. Residents that do not have privileges to the pool may not enter the pool area and are not considered guest. Each resident family must have their own access card.
- Additional rules are posted at the pool area
- If you are asked to leave the pool for any reason by the lifeguard on more than one occasion, the card will be de-activated for thirty (30) days.
- The lifeguards have the authority to enforce rules, confiscate your access card and remove individuals from the pool area for infractions of the rules. The lifeguard may restrict use of the pool in crowded conditions, or alter the rules to ensure safety.
Abuse Policy
Residents need to use their own access card which automatically registers into the computer. Transferring or sharing accesses cards will result in loss of pool privileges. Sharing access cards with residents that do not meet the pool access requirements will result in the deactivation of one’s card. Please note that residents are not permitted to be guest of other residents.