Long-Awaited Sidewalk Installation Begins Along Falcon Landing Boulevard
After years of persistence and planning, construction has started on a new sidewalk along Falcon Landing Boulevard, connecting the entrance of the 32-acre Willow Fork Park to Bay Hill Boulevard. The project is the culmination of over six years of advocacy led by Mary Beth Jones of the Falcon Ranch HOA and supported by local leaders.
“I am so excited to let you all know the ‘long-awaited’ sidewalk from the Willow Fork 32-Acre Park Entrance down to Bay Hill Blvd along Falcon Landing is being installed!” Jones said.
The project originated from discussions between Jones and Robert Serrett of Falcon Ranch six years ago but struggled to gain traction initially. Progress accelerated after Jones reached out to Commissioner Vincent Morales, whose office helped make the vision a reality. “Commissioner Morales told me to send him an email with my request—so I did,” Jones explained.
Jones worked closely with Morales’s assistant, Katie Vackar, to bring the project to life. “Katie made it happen,” she said. “Thank you, Katie, for not giving up on my request and constant asking! I know this sidewalk will be appreciated and used by our community as well as the surrounding neighbors.”
The new sidewalk will offer improved safety and accessibility for pedestrians, providing a much-needed connection for residents of Falcon Ranch and nearby areas. The initiative reflects a collaborative effort between the community and local officials, showcasing the importance of persistence and teamwork in addressing local needs.
Construction is already underway, and residents eagerly await the sidewalk's completion, which promises to enhance the area's walkability and connectivity.