January News from Your HOA
A Few Notes from Your POA President
Please drive at or below the posted speed limit in the community. There have been reports of ducks and other animals hit due to increased speed within Parkway Lakes Village. Please watch out for our children and animals when driving.
Please keep your dogs on a leash. Leash laws are in place for both cats & dogs in Ft. Bend County. Dogs must be restrained, except as provided for in the Trap Neuter Return Program according to the Fort Bend County Animal Control Regulations, Section III.
Pick up your dog’s waste and dispose of it properly.
Hope you are enjoying your summer! Parkway Lakes is family friendly! The pool, playground, tennis court and clubhouse is available to residents. See your resident portal for details, rules, regulations and access information. You can access RealManage for your resident portal at https://www.realmanage.com/homeowner-resident-services.
By Deborah Green
Westheimer Parkway Lakes POA President
If you notice streetlights are out, record the numbers on the poles and report them directly to Center Point Energy. Anyone can do it! https://slo.centerpointenergy.com/.
Another exciting upgrade to our community is the addition of Wi- Fi service NOW available at our Clubhouse. Not only will we be able to use Wi-Fi during our meetings or parties inside, but in the warmer weather, we will have access to it outside when enjoying our pool area! Our Clubhouse can be rented for $150, along with a $250 Deposit. Sunday through Thursday the Clubhouse can be rented until 9 PM; Friday and Saturday until 10 PM. Contact RealManage at 1-866-473-2573 for further detail!
Please sign up through the community portal at https://ciranet.com/ResidentPortal, join our Facebook page at Parkway Lakes for the most current information about our community. Those of you who have already volunteered to participate in the future will be contacted shortly to plan upcoming events. Those of you who have yet to do so, please come to any future meeting being announced and join in!
We can all participate in our Neighborhood/Crime Watch! It is easy! It’s about neighbors looking out for each other.
When suspecting criminal activities, you are encouraged to contact the police and not to intervene. Call Fort Bend Sheriff at 281-341-4665. An alert and supportive neighborhood is the greatest single defense against crime. By getting to know your neighbors and their vehicles, you will most likely be aware of suspicious people, vehicles and/or sounds that could indicate criminal activity. Be a good neighbor. Report suspicious activity to the police.
Any homeowner in MUD 50 can get a FREE evaluation of their irrigation/sprinkler system. There’s a program being offered by your water supplier and the North Fort Bend Water Authority! You are invited to sign up today for the FREE evaluation by a licensed irrigator... The W.I.S.E Guys. There is no obligation on a homeowner’s part to purchase anything. You have nothing to lose, but you could learn a lot. You will be provided with a comprehensive evaluation of your system - checking the water patterns of your sprinklers and frequency settings of the controller. You will have access to the results on-line to help you learn how to use water more efficiently on yard and landscaped areas. That’s it...no pressure... you decide how to use the information. Why waste any more water... or money? Make an appointment now! Look for the details on-line at: www.nfbwa.com/wiseguys