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Helpful Information from Your HOA

Helpful Information from Your HOA

December 01 2021

Here are a few tips and reminders on how to comply with the neighborhood regulations while staying safe and beautifying our neighborhood together.


Anyone under the age of 18 is not allowed in the fitness center un- less accompanied by a parent or guardian. The recreation center lobby is not to be used as a gathering place for kids to socialize. The Association is asking for all homeowners who use these facil- ities to help with watching over these areas. If a child is under the age of 18 and is in the fitness center without a parent or guardian or appears to be simply loitering in the lobby, please politely ask them to leave. Thank you.


The recreation center has a room available for parties, meeting, reunions, etc. A signed contract plus a $300 security deposit will hold your reservation. Homeowners must be current on their dues (or payment plans) and rental fees must be received prior to the party. The rental rate is $50 an hour with a two-hour minimum. The key for the clubhouse is to be signed out and returned to the guards in the guardhouse. Please READ THE CONTRACT CAREFULLY before signing - this is a binding legal document and the rules and regulations stipulated in the contract will be enforced. Call the onsite office for additional information.

Remember to bring your trash home with you after a party - the clubhouse trashcans are being filled to overflowing regularly. Fines will start being assessed if the rec center trashcans are filled up with party debris.


Please remember that when planning to do any outdoor home improvements, you must first apply for approval from the Archi- tectural Control Committee. Forms are available via the website at or by contacting the office. Please include as much information as possible, including survey, samples and schematic drawings.


Please respect your neighbor’s yard and their personal space. re- member, that pets must be confined to a fenced backyard or within the house and must not be allowed to bark all night long or cause a nuisance to neighbors. They must be on a leash at all times when away from this contained environment. It is also the pet owner’s responsibility, when walking their pet within the subdivision, to keep ALL areas free of pet debris. Please remember that cats must also be confined. Animal control can be reached by calling 281-342- 1512 and will pick up strays and/or unconfined pets.


All parks and playground areas in the community close at 9 PM.


Please call the onsite office (281-492-6020) or email us to register your Harris County toll tag ( The following information is required: Name, Address, Vehicle Make & Model and Old and New EZ Tag Numbers. Please do not give tag information to the guards - they do not have access to the gate computer. PLEASE REMEMBER to have your old tag number available when you are registering a new tag, so we can remove it from the system.

The sticker-type EZ tags can be programmed into the system. How- ever, the signal is not as powerful as that of the battery-powered tags. Please approach the gate slowly and stay as close to the left median as possible (that is where the reader is located); the new tags can’t be read by the system until you are very close to the gate.


• Vehicles may not be parked on the streets of the subdivision be- tween the hours of 10 PM and 6 AM CST. All vehicles must be parked in a garage or their appurtenant driveways, with no exceptions other than as provided herein.

• All vehicles must be able to be operated on a daily basis with a current registration and state inspection sticker when parked within Canyon gate at Cinco Ranch Subdivision.
• No unlicensed, unregistered, inoperable or disabled vehicles shall be kept or maintained except in an owner’s enclosed garage. • No parking is authorized on unimproved driveways or grass.

• Vehicles may not be parked so as to obstruct a marked fire lane. • Vehicles may not be parked within 30 feet of any stop signs, yield signs, flashing beacons or other traffic signals at the side of the road. • Vehicles may not be parked within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.

• No vehicle shall impede the normal flow of traffic or obstruct ingress or egress of the vehicle to resident’s driveways or open roadway.
• No vehicles should be parked in the bicycle lanes at any time, day or night.


In the event a violation sticker is placed on a vehicle that is in violation of this policy, the owner of the vehicle shall be liable for any and all costs, liabilities or damages associated with the sticker notice, including but not limited, operating the vehicle with the sticker notice affixed, removal of the sticker notice and/or any damage resulting therefrom.

The process for violations is as follows,
• Second Violation: Warning Sticker and letter informing that the next violation will receive an Attorney Letter at the homeowner’s expense.
• Third Violation: Warning Sticker and Attorney Letter. Please note that attorney letters issued on behalf of the HOA Board are at the expense of the Homeowner in violation of the deed.
• Repeat Offenders: The HOA reserves the right to tow or booting at owners expense. Unfortunately, such extreme cases leave the HOA no choice but to exercise extreme action. The car in violation will be towed or booted at the expense of the owner. Please note that the violation is counted per household not per vehicle.

• Residents with parties or overnight guests need to give prior notice to the property manager or guard. Overnight guests grace periods will be allowed for three nights.
• The parking policy will NOT be enforced during the following holidays: Memorial Day (1 Day before and after, total 3 days), In- dependence Day, Labor Day (1 Day before and after, total 3 days), Thanksgiving week (Monday to Sunday) and Christmas/NY Holidays (December 22nd to January 2nd).*

* The HOA Board reserves the right to adjust these times periods.


The Homeowners’ Association sells EZ tags that will open the res- ident gate at the Canyon Gate entrance. Residents may purchase these at the onsite office for $25. These EZ tags contain a battery that should last for approximately 3 years. The HOA offers a one- year warranty on these tags. If the battery goes bad and your EZ tag stops working within the first year, the tag will be replaced at no cost. If your EZ tag stops working after the one-year time limit, a new EZ tag will need to be purchased.

All Guest must show ID to enter the community. All residents will be called between 10 PM and 6 AM when guest arrive. If no number is on file your guest will not be permitted to enter the community.


RECONSTRUCTION DEBRIS will not be picked up due to handling issues at the landfill. Contractors should remove their debris. Reg- ular household trash will be collected Tuesdays and Fridays. Place your trashcans or trash bags under 40 lbs out front at the curb, landscape trimmings need to be tied in 4 ft. bundles. If you have a construction pile waiting for removal, please place your trashcans or trash bags on the other side of the driveway. Any questions call BEST TRASH at 281-313-2378 or


To report a streetlight that is not working, call CenterPoint Energy at 713-207-2222. You will need to report both the number on the base of the pole (six digits) and the street address. You may also report outages online at


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