Green Trails Phase 3 & Green Trails Estates Official Newsletter - September 2021
The Estates of Green Trails invites neighboring communities to come enjoy the park at Shillington and Fry Road. A wonderful addition to our community encouraging family picnics, playgroups, a place to meet and bring laughter, smiles and good fun! Jenna and Josiah Hellekson, who recently relocated to Nottingham Country expressed, “with four little ones under the age of six, having outdoor space to get their energy out each day is crucial. We were thrilled to discover the new park nearby that we can enjoy for years to come.” Park hours are from dawn ‘til dusk. Ages 2 to 12. Building memories!!
(GT Estates) Debris In Sewer Drains
Please refrain from depositing any debris (lawn clippings, leaves, pet waste, motor oil, etc.) into the streets or storm drains. Disposing of debris in the street or other portions of the storm water drainage system can create problems. Flooding takes place when the system becomes blocked with debris. This can create a flooding potential that could result in property damage. The water quality is impacted if you’ve used chemicals on your lawn or garden. In addition, pet waste left on yards can contribute to contaminated run off. Grass clippings and leaves left in the storm water system contribute to system wear and can destroy the underground system. Please make sure you dispose of your lawn clippings, leaves and other debris in a proper manner.
(GT Estates) Security
Neighborhood security is provided by the Harris County Constables Precinct 5 Office, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. We also have an additional contract with them (Contract 50 - in conjunction with the other sections of Green Trails and Windsor Park Lakes).
To contact the Constable’s Office:
Emergency - 911
Dispatch: 281-463-6666
The Constable’s office encourages residents to call if they see any suspicious or bothersome activity. Please keep your vehicles locked at all times to reduce crime of opportunity.
(GT Estates) Recreation Center
Estates of Green Trails own the Recreation Center at Shillington Drive and Fry Road. It consists of an Olympic-size swimming pool, totally refinished in the spring of 2015 and two tennis courts, recently refinished in 2015. Use of these facilities is allowed to all Estates of Green Trails residents in good standing who have paid their annual maintenance fee. Green Trails Section III residents in good standing with their homeowners association can also use these facilities. Only residents who have been issued Pool/Tennis Court Access Cards from Sterling ASI are admitted into the pool and allowed to use the tennis courts.
(GT Estates) Tennis Courts
Any Estates of Green Trails or Green Trails Section III resident with a Pool/Tennis Court Access Card can use the tennis courts. Tennis Court Hours: 7:30 AM until 10:00 PM. Rollerblades, skateboards or any other wheeled vehicles are not allowed on the courts any time.
(GT Estates) Hike & Bike Trail
The 10.75 mile, asphalt trail is available from dawn to dusk for walkers and bicyclists, foot-and non-motorized-wheel-traffic. The trail runs from Highland Knolls at Fry Road through George Bush Park to Highway 6 then connects to Terry Hershey Park. (When all of this is completed, you will be able to walk/bike to Terry Hershey Park (east of Hwy. 6) along this trail. Also look for the new trail connecting the trail behind the subdivision along the drainage canal to the new trail along Baker Road.
Green Trails Section III News
(Section III includes 206 homes in the 2 neighborhoods north and south of Greenwind Chase - Sec III on the north side & GT Village on the south side.)
(GT III) Management Company
Real Manage: 16000 Barkers Point, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77079
Ph: 281-531-0002 • www.realmanage.com
(GT III) Board of Directors Meeting
Green Trails Section III Board of Directors meets Bi-monthly. Homeowners wishing to attend should contact Real Manage at 281-531-0002 for the next meeting date and to be placed on the agenda.
If you live in the Green Trails Section III Homeowners Association, an application must be submitted prior to making exterior improvements to your property. This includes painting (even if it is the same color), roof replacement, pool installation, major landscaping improvements, play equipment or anything else that changes the appearance of your property.
If you have any questions or need a form, please contact Real Manage, 281-531-0002 or one of the ACC Committee members. You will be advised of the Committees approval or denial of the application within 30 days.
We would love to give a month to month summary of what your subdivision or organization has been doing or is going to do in the future. We want to make YOUR newsletter more interesting to YOU. But we need your help! If you have any interesting news about your Association, organizations, clubs, fun groups, scouts, schools, etc., please.... let us know.
This includes the communities of Green Trails Section III and Green Trails Estates.
You can submit articles to us by the 25th of each month that will go out after the 20th of the next month. It will be dated for the month following the month it goes out. Articles may be accompanied by pictures, which can be sent by email. There is no charge. Everyone likes to be informed on what’s happening in the neighborhood.
Let’s make this newsletter “Fun” and “Interesting” to read. It is Your Newsletter! Email your news to news@krenekprinting.com just make sure you put your subdivision name on it and a name and contact number (for our use only).
Krenek Printing
Phone: 281-463-8649 /email: news@krenekprinting.com
Loose Dogs
We have received complaints about dogs running loose. Harris County requires both dogs and cats to be vaccinated, licensed and kept in fenced yards or on leashes. This is for the safety of both our neighbors and your pets.
Remember, that if you leave food outside for a dog or cat, you may be attracting other nuisance animals, including rats.
If your dog tends to bark, please do not leave it outside.
When walking your pets, PLEASE PICK UP AFTER THEM!