February News from Your HOA
To make sure you’re getting the HOA email blasts (aka: e-blasts), please register today. Three easy ways for homeowners* to register:
- Text “preferredlink” to 59248 and receive a text back with a mobile app download link
- Search for the mobile app “Preferred Link” in Google Play store
*Please note that renters cannot register - you must be the homeowner.
What is a Homeowners Association (HOA)?
A Homeowners Association (HOA) is a private, non-profit corporation formed during the development stage of a subdivision. The purpose of a HOA is to maintain the subdivision and preserve property values. Any property purchased within a HOA is subject to mandatory membership in the Association. HOAs provide services that may not be available otherwise, such as parks, pools, fitness equipment and recreational amenities, common area maintenance and landscaping, as well as acting as a safeguard for property values within the community – ultimately helping to protect your investment.
HOA Membership
Purchasing a home within an HOA’s jurisdiction will automatically make the purchaser a member of the association. Members are required to pay annual assessments (often called “dues”) and follow the community’s Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs), Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Rules and Regulations (including architectural guidelines) – together, these are known as the governing documents. These governing documents set a schedule of restrictions and penalties that mandate owners to keep their property in uniform condition in order to maintain property values.
What is a Deed Restricted Community?
Concord Bridge is a deed restricted community. Deed restrictions are written agreements that restrict or limit, the use or activities that may take place on property in a subdivision. These restrictions appear in the real property records of the county in which the property is located. They are private agreements and are binding upon every owner in a subdivision. All future owners become a party to these agreements when they purchase property in deed restricted areas.
- DO NOT IGNORE IT! Ignoring these letters will cause potential cost and possibly even legal action. Instead, make sure you promptly reply to the letter in writing so that you and the management company have a record of your reply. This will also show your willingness to resolve this issue.
- Try not to take it personally. Almost everyone gets letters from time to time. Instead, try to remember that the management company’s job is to ensure everyone is maintaining their property according to the prescribed covenants, conditions and restrictions so that values are maintained or even enhanced - for your benefit.
Calling all Concord Bridge and surrounding area youth. If you or someone you know, are interested in joining the neighborhood swim team, then check out our website. Swimmers 18 & under, at all levels of ability, are welcomed to join. Take an online tour of our team site and learn more about our mighty mighty DOLPHINS.
Visit our website at https://concordbridge.swimtopia.com or google Concord Bridge Swim Team.
Registration opens the Friday of Spring Break (March 18, 2022)!!
Garbage Cans & Recycle Bin Storage
Per deed restrictions, all garbage cans and recycle bin must be stored OUT OF SIGHT, either in your garage or in your back yard. They are not to be stored by the side of your home where they can be seen from the street.
Keep lawn mowed and edged regularly – grass should not be crawling down curbs into street or across sidewalks. Remove all weeds from flowerbeds, yard and expansion joints of drive and sidewalks.
- If you live on a corner property, make sure you are mowing ALL parts of your lawn, including side portions that wrap around corner of lot. This is YOUR responsibility.
- Trim bushes so that they are neat and tidy.
- Under NO circumstances are you allowed to blow grass clippings or leaves into the storm drains. It’s against the law and you will be heavily fined.
Our deed restrictions state that your front yard should have 1 or 2 trees in it (depending on the section). Please consult the deed restrictions for your specific section’s requirement on this (deed restrictions can be found on the HOA website).
- Please survey all trees on your property and trim branches that hang over sidewalks so that they are at least 10’ above the sidewalk, enabling easy passage underneath. Important: low-hanging branches can be dangerous to walkers and, thereby, a potential liability for you.
- If you must cut a tree down, you must remove all of the tree, including the root ball - or have the stump ground down flush with the ground. Tree stumps are not allowed - exposed tree stumps are a violation of deed restrictions and you will be cited for this.
Storm Drains
Do not put debris of ANY kind (leaves, grass clippings, chemicals, gasoline, etc.) into the storm drains that are located on your street. It’s against the law and you can be fined heavily for this! If you see your neighbor or a lawn service provider doing this, note the details (address of neighbor or name & license plate of lawn service) and report this illegal activity to Harris County Public Health & Environmental Services at 713-920-2831.
Fences must be properly maintained with all pickets in place (none missing) and none in need of repair. Random boards or sheets of plywood tacked across pickets to hold them up are not acceptable. Boards propping fences up or supporting leaning fences are also not acceptable.
- Property fences were built on the shared property lines between the homes. The ownership, ongoing maintenance and repair of these fences is to be shared 50/50 by the respective homeowner/neighbors. Pickets sections must face the same direction (i.e. do not alternate direction every 6 feet).
- Submit an ARC application prior to new fence installation to ensure you are using approved materials and construction design.
- Sealant: You may use a sealant on your fence, but only if it is CLEAR or light cedar-tinted. Absolutely NO PAINTING of fences is allowed. Please provide a sample of sealant with your ARC application to the management company.
- Height: Fences should be 6 to 8’ (no higher than 8’) - consult the deed restrictions for your section.
- It is advisable to have a horizontal “rot” board along bottom of fence for uniformity and longevity of pickets. However, fence height should still not be over 8’ including the rot board.
Submit an ARC application prior to installing new roof. Shingle type, quality and color must be harmonious with the color scheme established for the subdivision (black, brown, dark tan or similar earthy tone); repairs or partial replacements must be done with shingles of the exact same type, quality and color of the existing roof in order to blend properly.
If you have any questions about this information, please contact:
Patti Tine Moody, Community Manager at Preferred Management Services
First → Slow down!
Please obey the speed limit which is currently 30 mph. Children can easily dart out from behind a parked car and people are walking in the mornings and afternoons. Constables will ticket you if you are caught speeding.
Yield to Oncoming Traffic!
If there is a car parked on the street in your lane, you must slow down and wait for oncoming traffic to pass before crossing center of road to go around the parked car.
STOP When You See Flashing RED Lights on a School Bus!
It’s the law: a first time offense will cost you $1,250 and a second offense will mean license suspension. You must stop for all school buses when their lights are flashing red and/or they’ve extended their STOP sign, as this indicates children are loading or unloading. Both oncoming and following traffic must stop well before they reach the bus. You must remain stopped until the bus moves or the bus driver signals for you to proceed. Even then, you must proceed with extreme caution, watching for school children walking along the side of the road or crossing the street.
Potentially dangerous winter weather is expected this season. Travel difficulties are expected.
Temperatures of 32F or colder for several hours over a widespread area during growing season. A hard freeze is when temperatures are below 28F. Plants left outdoors may be killed.
Frost Advisory
Temperatures of 33F to 36F with clear skies and light winds over a widespread area during growing season, which would promote the development of frost. Plants left outdoors may be damaged.
Learn how to keep pipes from freezing (including wrapping with insulation).
- Learn how to drain and insulate irrigation sprinkler systems.
- Install and test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors with battery backups.
- Gather supplies that can lasts through several days if there’s a power outage such as non- perishable snacks, protein bars and bottled water.
- Consider each person’s specific needs, including medication.
- If you have pets, think about their needs and BRING THEM INSIDE!
- Have extra batteries for radios and flashlights.
- Keep cell phones and any additional chargers FULLY CHARGED.
- If there is a power outage, NEVER use your generator or grill indoors.
- A gas stove or oven should NEVER be used to heat your home either as this increases your chance of carbon monoxide poisoning.
- Keep a full tank of gas in your car.
- Check weather reports on https://www.weather.gov/hgx/
Ready Harris Alerts
Harris County residents can sign up at www.911.org to receive emergency alerts on their cell phone. This is an excellent service that enables you to receive urgent messages about major local events that might affect your location.
911 Emergency Profile
Spend a few minutes now to save critical seconds when a life is on the line. Complete your Greater Harris County Emergency Profile at www.911.org/community/sign-up-for-services/ so emergency call-takers can better help you when there’s a true emergency.
Where Can I Find More COVID-19 Vaccine Locations?
Text your ZIP code to 438829 or call 1-800-232-0233 to find vaccine locations near you in the United States.
Sign up for free COVID-19 testing at Harris County Public Health sites via covidcheck.hctx.net or by calling 832-927-7575.
- For a list of free testing sites in Houston, go to https://houstonemergency.org/covid-19-testing.
Contact the Concord Bridge Pet Hotline at 281-468-941
- If you have a Facebook account, go to www.facebook.com/#!/Concordbridgehotline to report the lost or found animal. Photos help!
- Post your lost or found animal info & photo on nextdoor.com.
Harris County requires that all pets be on a leash or confined within your yard. Unleashed dogs are a nuisance to your neighbors and other pets. Call Harris County Public Health & Environmental Services at 281-999-3191 to report unleashed dogs.
You are required to pick up all dog waste and dispose of it properly. Children play in the park areas and their front yards. When walking your dogs, please remove any waste they may leave behind.
Lights keep our neighborhood safe. Please report any streetlights not working as quickly as possible via one of these options:
CenterPoint Energy Website: https://slo.centerpointenergy.com
CenterPoint Energy: 713-207-2222 or 800-332-7143
Six-digit number found on the light pole
- Street address closest to the light pole (full address including zip)
- Description of problem (flickering off & on, very dim, no working at all)
Trash Service Provider
Texas Pride Disposal (contracted by your MUD) is the company used in all sections of Concord Bridge. For service info, please contact them at 281-342-8178.
Time: Have waste ready for collection no later than 6 AM.
Waste must be placed in bags or personal containers between 20 and 95-gallons.
- Cans or bags cannot exceed 50 pounds.
Two heavy items collected EVERY service day.
- Heavy trash/bulk waste includes waste that is not generated on a regular basis, including:
- Furniture (couch, table, mattress, box spring, desk, dresser, etc.).
- Appliances (washer, dryer, dishwasher, etc.).
- Hot Water Heaters.
- Fencing/Decking/Siding (please remove nails, cut into lengths 4’ or less and tie and bundle under 50 pounds, limit eight bundles per service day).
- Trampolines (broken down, please place metal with recycling if possible).
- Carpeting/Flooring (please cut into lengths 4’ or shorter and tie and bundle under 50 pounds, limit eight bundles per service day).
Place grass clippings in cans or bags under 50 pounds.
- Branches should be placed in INDIVIDUAL piles measuring no larger than 3’ x 3’ x 3’ and tied and bundled and under 50 pounds. Limit eight bundles per service day.
Services in Concord Bridge are provided by two different Municipal Utility Districts (MUDs). Areas covered and service providers are shown below. The overhead power lines running north and south through the subdivision are the dividing line between the MUD responsibilities. The two trash collection companies observe different holidays. Please note if a holiday falls on a regular trash collection day, the trash will be picked up the next SCHEDULED day, NOT the next day. Please do not place your trash out until the correct day.
If you have a manhole cover in your yard, driveway or sidewalk and it is causing problems, please contact your Municipal District Services, LLC, 281-290-6503. They cover both MUD Horsepen Bayou and Harris County 102.
Concord Bridge Sections 1 through 5 and Concord Bridge North, Sections 2 and 3.
Law Enforcement Patrol - Harris County Constable Precinct 5: 281-463-6666
Water & Sewer Services - Municipal District Services, LLC
- Billing, new service, disconnect questions: 281-290-6507
- Problems: 281-290-6503
- Trash collection and recycling - Texas Pride Disposal: 281-343-8178
Concord Bridge Section 6 and Concord Bridge North Section 1.
Law Enforcement Patrol - Harris County Sheriff’s Office: 713-221-6000
- Water & Sewer Services - Municipal District Services, LLC
- Billing, new service, disconnect, questions: 281-290-6507
- Problems: 281-290-6503
- Trash Collection and recycling - Texas Pride Disposal: 281-343-8178
Do you know what to do with leftover used cooking oil and grease?
Never wash cooking fats, oil or grease (FOG) down the drain, as they can cause the sewer line to back up into your home. If the drain clogs and causes a sewer line blockage, it may cause the back up to flow onto the street and into the storm drains which flow to our bayous and eventually Galveston Bay. This material is harmful to the waterways and the creatures that live there.
The Harris County Household Hazardous Waste Facility provides a free residential FOG drop- off site for easy disposal. FOG items can be recycled into bio-diesel fuels, a feed additive for animals and other processes that save natural resources. Please do NOT mix FOG with any other items, such as automotive waste (no auto oils or lubricants) because if these are mixed they cannot be recycled. Also, please bring your FOG in a container that we can keep. This service is for residents of Harris County only.
By law, homeowners or contractors planning projects involving digging must call 811 at least 48 hours in advance of any digging. Free of charge, the notification center alerts utilities such as electric, gas, cable and phone companies so they can mark the location of the underground lines. Visit www.texas811.org for more information.
A permit is required for all alarms in Harris County. Obtaining the required permit will avoid the issuance of a citation and excessive false alarm fees.
Go to the website at www.hcso.hctx.net and click on forms. The application should be completed and mailed with the appropriate fees to the address shown on the application. A new permit will cost $35 and annual renewals are $10. Should you have any questions, please contact the Alarm Detail office at 713-755-4600 during normal business hours.
Passing a stopped school bus with red flashing warning lights is against the law and can result in a very expensive ticket. Watch for children waiting for school buses in the early mornings and while returning home in the afternoon.