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February News from Your HOA

February News from Your HOA

February 01 2022


The (3) Honorable Mentions:

902 Mesa Terrace
727 Long Prairie
1158 Red Rock Canyon

3rd place went to 914 Long Prairie

2nd place went to 22807 Indian Ridge

1st place went to 815 Comstock Springs

Thank you to all that participated and for sharing the holidays with your Cimarron family!


Hi kids,
I sure look forward to seeing all your happy faces again at our Cimarron CIA Annual Easter Egg Hunt this year! Please help me hunt for all those eggs, especially those elusive golden eggs to win some amazing prizes. Tell Mom & Dad that we could use some volunteers (call Angela Connell at 713-776-1771 or email her at and that the eggs are plastic with individually wrapped candy inside. Easter Egg Hunt times are as follows:

9:15 AM & 10 AM
See you at the park (818 Pickford Drive)
-The Easter Bunny


The 2022 annual assessment were due on January 1, 2022 and is late on February 1, 2022. All past due accounts will be assessed a late fee of $100 along with 10% per annum interest. A letter will be mailed after February 15th to all homeowners with past due balances. A certified demand letter, with a minimum $35 collection fee being assessed to the account, will be sent after March 15 . All past due accounts will be turned over to the Association’s attorney for collection after April 15 . The collection process will be pursued to the full extent of the law, including foreclosure if necessary. Should you have additional hardships you would like the Board to consider, please contact MASC Austin Properties, Inc. as soon as possible. Communication can go a long way and help avoid additional fees added to your account Your assessments are what allow your Board of Directors to maintain your community. The assessments cover all operational costs of the Association.

PAST DUE BALANCES: If owners are experiencing hardships, a request can be submitted for payment deferment and/or extended payment plans to the Board for review.

Please contact Celina DeLeon in our accounting department at MASC Austin Properties, Inc. via phone at 713-776-1771 or via email to make the necessary payment arrangements if you have a past due balance.



We have noticed many homeowners are taking advantage of this time to make improvements to their home. Just as a reminder if you are making any type of improvement to the exterior of your home, you must first submit an Architectural Improvement request form to MASC Austin Properties, Inc. before starting the work. (This includes painting the exterior, room addition and replacement of the roof, driveway and fence.) You can find the required form on our website here. Please make sure to submit the form with the necessary information and samples for a quicker response. We are receiving several applications and processing as quickly as possible to avoid delays in the work being done.


MASC Austin Properties, Inc. would like to remind everyone about the launch of TownSq - a new all-in-one mobile app designed to help you connect, collaborate and stay up-to-date with your association - any time on any device.

Download the app and register to:
  • Easily communicate with your management team
  • Manage your account and pay online
  • Get up-to-date news and alerts
  • Request and review status of service inquiries
  • Engage with one another
  • Access important association documents
  • And more!

To register your account, please log onto, use your account ID (located on the 2021 assessment invoice) and the association zip code (77450).

Set your password and account preferences and you will then be ready to start experiencing community your way with TownSq. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this new process as we are excited to offer these new services to your community.

Since the Cimarron Star newsletter deadline for submission is two (2) months prior to printing the publication, information is subject to change and should be verified on the association website: and/or TownSq app. 


Our next Cimarron CIA Homeowner's Meeting is coming up and everyone is invited! Meetings are held via by teleconference every third Monday of every month at 6:30 PM. Please use the credentials found on to dial in and access the teleconference.


It is a violation to blow or sweep grass clippings, leaves and other yard waste into our storm drains. This includes “sweeping” grass and leaves into the street with leaf blowers as they eventually wash down the drain. Why is this a problem? Yard waste can block the flow of water and lead to flooding. Decomposing grass and leaves deplete the oxygen in the water, which can stress fish and other aquatic life.

Never place or allow anything to go down the storm drain. This includes cigarette butts, trash and even newspapers. Intentionally pouring paint, motor oil, antifreeze, pesticides, fertilizers, pet waste, litter, etc. into the street gutters or storm drains can affect the water quality of waterways and lakes, is dangerous to the environment and is ILLEGAL.


Harris County MUD #81 trash company is BEST TRASH. Their number is 281-313-2378 Trash pickup days are Monday and Thursday. Recycle day is Monday. Trash carts provided by Best Trash need to be out on the curb by 7 AM.

There will be no trash pickup on New Year’s Day, the 4th of July and Christmas Day. Your collection will be made on the next regularly scheduled collection day.

More information can be found at

Cimarron MUD Trash Company is TEXAS PRIDE DISPOSAL 281-342-8178. Trash pickup days are Monday and Thursday. Recycle day is Monday. Please place all your recyclables in the bin provided by Texas Pride Disposal Trash containers provided by the homeowners need to be out on the curb by 7 AM.

There will be no trash pickup on New Year’s Day, the 4th of July and Christmas Day. More information can be found at


In recent deed restriction inspections, we have noticed a lot damaged and uneven sidewalks. Sidewalks are the homeowner’s responsibility to keep in good repair. Concrete Raising Corporation has helped several homeowners solve their concrete problems.


Please respect your neighbor’s yard and their personal space. Remember, that pets must be confined to a fenced backyard or within the house and must not allowed to bark all night long or cause a nuisance to neighbors. They must be on a leash at all times when away from this contained environment. It is also the pet owner’s responsibility, when walking their pet within the subdivision, to keep ALL areas free of pet debris. Please remember that cats must also be confined. Animal control will pick up strays and/or unconfined pets.


Interested in joining a Cimarron bicycle club? Weekly rides through the neighborhood at a casual pace. All ages welcome. Call Robert at 281-392-6105.


The majority of all car burglaries had valuables visible in their car!! Bags, purse, phones, GPS, laptops, are all invitations to criminals. Do not leave any valuables visible at any time. Please note the following laws apply to all parked vehicles:
  • Park 30 feet from a stop sign
  • Park 20 feet from an intersection or crosswalk
  • Park 15 feet from a fire hydrant
  • Park no more than 18” from curb
  • Lock your car when it is parked on the street
  • Park with the flow of traffic
  • Do not block driveways or access to mail boxes
  • No parking on the sidewalks
  • No more than 48 hours parked on the street
  • Vehicles parked on street must have current registration and inspection
  1. The Vacation Watch form is now available online on our website in the left column. From this page ( you can fill in the form and submit it. The submitted form will be emailed to dispatch for distribution.
  2. The Special Watch form is now available online on our website in the left column. From this page ( you can fill in the form and submit it. The submitted form will be emailed to dispatch for distribution.
  3. A new page named Online Crime Tips ( is now available.
Harris County Precinct 5 Constable’s office is proud to announce their new website. Residents are encouraged to access, which went live as of February 27, 2015. The website is designed to provide the user with information about the command staff, the various divisions within the Precinct 5 Constable’s jurisdiction and various programs the office offers to the public.
  • The Precinct will be offering Crime Alerts as a way to quickly let citizens know what is going on in their area. One you sign up on the website, a person will received a text message or an email when important events are taking place in the district. These alerts will only contain relevant information and a person may unsubscribe at any time.
  • The Precinct will also be offering a Citizens Police Academy. For 2 -1/2 per week over a 9 week period, instructors will show the participant various aspect of being a police officer. Many of the classes will include hands on participation and are available to anyone 21 and up and the application is available on the website. Class size is very limited. A brief video concerning this program can be viewed on
  • The Precinct will be offering Operation Safe Child. Precinct 5 has 2 certified child safety technicians who are partnering with Texas Children’s’ Hospital to demonstrate the proper usage and installation of car seats. These technicians are current on all styles, brands, recalls and the proper way to secure your child based on height, weight and age. The sessions are quarterly and a person can actually bring their car seat and child for a demonstration. A person can also request these outings to be held in the neighborhood.

If you have a monitored alarm, make sure it is calling the Constables Dispatch number.


Please be careful and slow down while driving through the subdivision; remind your young drivers to do also. Please, be aware of your surroundings and parents, remind your children to watch for vehicles when crossing the street.


Please park your vehicles in your garage or at least in your driveway, if at all possible. Please be considerate of your neighbors and the fire trucks on your street. If you must park on the street, be considerate of the neighbor across the street, who must back from a driveway in order to enter the street.

As our area has grown, so has the number of vehicles in the subdivision. Most seem to have more than one car per family and some have even more, as the children become driving age. Please try to be considerate of others who try to navigate between the cars that are left on the street. Children darting into the street or riding bicycles are more easily seen with less parked cars blocking the view of them.

Thank you for your cooperation.


Animals that are not properly restrained pose a threat to all our residents. While you may know your pet is friendly, an animal running at someone who is walking by is very scary for that person. Many children are afraid of animals and become frightened, which could result in the child getting hurt trying to avoid the animal.

Veterinary Public Health (formerly called Harris County Animal Control) advises that “All dogs and cats must be kept under restraint while in the unincorporated areas of Harris County, Texas. The custodian of a dog or cat is not authorized to have, harbor or keep any unlicensed dog or cat nor to allow any dog or cat to become a stray.”

Restraint is defined as “the control of a dog or cat under the following circumstances:

  1. When it is controlled by a line or leash not more then six (6) feet in length, if the line or leash is held by human being who is capable of controlling or governing the dog or cat in question, or
  2. When it is within a fully enclosed vehicle, or
  3. When it is on the premise of the custodian and the animal does not have access to sidewalk to street.”

While it may be nice to have your animal out in the yard while you work or play, it is against the law, unless the animal is properly restrained.

Let's all help keep our community a safe and comfortable place for all our residents by being responsible pet owners. This will not only protect anyone who may be walking or bicycling in the area, but also the pet owner who could be held legally responsible or possibly sued for failing to properly restrain their pet.


If you know of a neighbor/residence who is not receiving the “Cimarron Star,” please notify Krenek Printing Company by calling 281-463-8649 or emailing us at All we need is the address. Thank you!

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