Annual Meeting
Sydney Harbour Community Association, Inc. 2022 Annual Meeting
DATE: Saturday, April 9, 2022
TIME: 10:00 am (9:30 am sign-in begins)
LOCATION: Cypress Crossing Christian Church (15751 Cypress Rosehill Rd, Cypress, TX 77429)
In order to have an official meeting a quorum of ten percent (10%) of the lots contained within the subdivision (51 lots) must be present through actual attendance or proxy. If you need a blank proxy, please send your request to sydneyharbour2009@yahoo.com and one will be delivered to you. You can then e-mail your proxy to info@montagecs.com. The deadline is April 8th at noon. Your proxy/ballot can only be granted to fellow homeowners that comprise the Sydney Harbour Community Association. The homeowners that have submitted their names for nomination are listed on the ballot for your consideration. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor the day of the meeting. All candidates will be given an opportunity to speak at the meeting as to why they would like to be a board member for the Sydney Harbour Community Association.