Aldine ISD Graduation Ceremonies
Graduation ceremonies will take place at the
Additional parking for graduation will be available this year in four separate lots adjacent to Thorne Stadium. These lots are necessary due to construction at Thorne Stadium, and will be open to the public until all spaces are occupied. Once all spaces in one lot are filled, the next lot will be opened in order. The following lots are open to the public in the order listed below, and have the number of spaces indicated:
LOT A is the first lot to be used, and is located at de Santiago EC/PK and Head Start Center. This lot has 250 parking spaces and will remain open until all parking spaces are occupied. Once this lot is full, drivers will be directed east to LOT B.
LOT B is the second lot to be used, and is located at Eckert Elementary School. This lot has 220 parking spaces and will remain open until all parking spaces are occupied. Once this lot is full, drivers will be directed east to LOT C.
LOT C is the third lot to be used, and is located at Aldine Middle School. This lot has 425 parking spaces and will remain open until all parking spaces are occupied. Once this lot is full, drivers will be directed southwest to LOT E and F.
LOT E and LOT F are the final parking lots to be used during graduation.
LOT D is for assigned Aldine ISD staff.