Trash Service Over the Holidays in Westfield
December 21 2023
During the holidays, your trash and recycling service will be a little different than usual.
As a friendly reminder, the Westfield neighborhood falls within two MUD Districts. 57% of Westfield is in the Mayde Creek MUD District, and 43% is in the Ricewood MUD District and both MUD Districts contract for your trash and recycle pickup.
For residents within the Mayde Creek MUD, your trash and recycling services will not take place on Monday, December 25 or Monday, January 1 due to the holidays. Trash services will take place on Thursday, December 28 and Thursday, January 4 as normal. For more information about your trash service, please visit maydecreekmud.com or call 281-313-2378.
For residents within the Ricewood MUD, your trash service will not take place on Monday, December 25 or Monday, January 1 due to the holidays. Trash and recycling services will take place on Thursday, December 28 and Thursday, January 4 as normal. For more information about your trash service, please visit ricewoodmud.com or call 281-368-8397.
Also, you can view a map of Westfield showing the two MUD Districts on the association website at spectrum.cincwebaxis.com.