Spring ISD Board of Trustees to Meet in Work Session June 8 and Regular Session June 13
The Spring Independent School District Board of Trustees will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday, June 8 at the Gordon M. Anderson Leadership Center, 16717 Ella Blvd. The meeting will be streamed via Zoom.
The agenda includes a review of items that will be presented to the board for approval at the regular board meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 13, also to be streamed via Zoom.
Presentations of note on Thursday include an update on the 2023-2024 Student Code of Conduct, a review of district communications recommendations from Matterlab, and a discussion of the 2023-2024 Budget.
The board is also slated to consider approving the Internal Audit Year-End Report FY 2022/2023, Internal Audit Plan FY 2023/2024, a clinical placement site agreement with the Allegany College of Maryland, an MOU with Harris County Juvenile Justice Alternative Program (JJAEP) for the 2023-2024 school year, a Richey Academy Contract for the 2023-2024 school year, and MOU with Northwest Community Health.
Other topics on the agenda include consideration of: approval of an employee retention incentive; approval of 2023-2024 Spring Independent School District Work Calendar; a review of the report of cooperative purchases exceeding $50,000; approval of 2023-2024 Spring ISD medical plan rates; approval of the 2022-2023 Third Budget Review; approval of the aerial easement request between CenterPoint Energy and Spring ISD (Anderson Elementary); a financial update of actual expenditures; an update on the Intruder Detection Audit; and taxpayer refunds. See Full Agenda.
Members of the public may access the meetings using links that will be posted online at springisd.org/Page/6178 30 minutes before the start of the meeting.
Source: Spring ISD