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Lakes on Eldridge Neighborhood Services

Mosquito Spraying

Mosquito service, contracted with ABC,  is a proactive measure designed to keep your outdoor spaces enjoyable and free from pesky mosquitoes. This service involves regular treatments to reduce the mosquito population in common areas and around individual homes, helping to prevent bites and reduce the risk of mosquito-borne diseases such as West Nile virus. The service is typically scheduled during peak mosquito season and is performed by trained professionals who use environmentally friendly methods to target mosquito breeding sites. By participating in this service, residents can enjoy their outdoor activities with greater comfort and peace of mind. For the remainder of 2024, ABC has scheduled Mosquito service every Monday and Wednesday in August, September and October.

Gate Access

Gate Sentry is a convenient mobile app that allows you to access all three gates of your community directly from your phone. With Gate Sentry, you can also generate one-time access codes for deliveries and other temporary visitors, ensuring secure and hassle-free entry. Additionally, you can add trusted individuals to your account, granting them seamless access as well. However, please note that Gate Sentry will soon be replaced by Envera, which will take over these functions and provide an updated security system for your community. See the documents below for more information and instructions for the current system:

Visitor Access               Virtual Key Instructions


Lawn care and landscaping in the common areas is now contracted through Maldonado. You should expect to see their trucks in the neighborhood when they are performing maintenance.


Cleaning Services

Cleaning services are contracted through Maintenance of Houston Inc. They are responsible for cleaning common areas such as the clubhouse, office, guard house, restrooms and gym. View the contract for the cleaning schedule and other details.


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