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Lakes on Eldridge HOA Board Meetings

At Lakes on Eldridge, we value keeping our community informed and engaged!

Our HOA Board meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the clubhouse, located at 12750 Lake Center Run Houston, TX 77041, offering a great opportunity for everyone to stay connected. The evening kicks off with an executive session at 5:30 PM, followed by the open session at 6:15 PM where all residents are welcome to join and participate.

In addition to monthly meetings, residents are encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting, which is typically held in November. 

Upcoming Meetings

Join us on 9/24, 10/22 and 11/19 for our monthly HOA Board meetings!

Note that the 11/19 is our annual meeting, where there will be

an open board position.


These monthly HOA Board meetings provide a wonderful chance to hear about what’s happening in our neighborhood and share your thoughts. We look forward to seeing you there and working together to make our community even better!

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