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Hundreds of Spring ISD CTE Students Inducted into National Technical Honor Society

Hundreds of Spring ISD CTE Students Inducted into National Technical Honor Society

November 03 2022

The Spring High School auditorium was packed Tuesday evening for the induction ceremony of 289 new members of the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS), representing Dekaney, Spring, Westfield and Carl Wunsche Sr. high schools. Surrounded by an audience full of well-wishers, the senior inductees proudly walked across the stage to be recognized for their achievement.

This year’s event marks the fifth-annual districtwide NTHS induction ceremony, and the number of students achieving membership has increased over the years. It is open to seniors only so each year in the fall, a new group that meets the criteria is inducted.

“Being inducted is an impressive accomplishment, one earned through hard work and persistence,” said Spring ISD Superintendent Dr. Lupita Hinojosa. “And each one of you should take pride in the achievement, knowing that you’ve earned it.”

Eligibility for membership in the National Technical Honor Society is based on a number of factors, including a 3.0 GPA or higher in core academic classes and Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes, attendance, involvement in extracurricular activities and community service, and CTE instructor nominations.

“We are excited for our students because this achievement means they are getting ready for their future,” said Cynthia Williams, the district’s director of career and technical education. “Students are choosing to pursue Spring ISD pathway offerings in high school, and their dedication to the program is allowing them to be a part of the National Technical Honor Society. Now they can apply for more scholarships, get letters of recommendation, and join networking opportunities that will only springboard their journey to college and careers.”

The 2022-23 campus representatives – President Andrea Villareal from Dekaney, Vice President Adam Bueno from Wunsche, Secretary Stephanie Cantu from Westfield, and Treasurer Iylan Brumfield from Spring High School – were featured during a candle-lighting presentation representing the seven attributes of the organization: skill, honesty, service, responsibility, scholarship, citizenship and leadership. They will serve as NTHS officers for the remainder of this school year.

Not only family members, but also school board trustees as well as district and campus administrators were on hand Tuesday evening to show their appreciation for what the students had accomplished. As students walked across the stage, administrators and board members congratulated them on their NTHS induction, and the evening concluded with remarks from Spring ISD Board of Trustees President Justine Durant.

“One of the best parts of this event is getting to see your excited and smiling faces,” Durant said, “but to also see how proud your parents and teachers are of every single one of you!”

Durant also explained that the achievement is not just about what the students have done to get here, but what they will do moving forward with the help and partnership of their teachers, counselors and principals.

“Each one of you will bring insight and innovation into whatever field you choose,” Durant said, “and lead both this school district and the rest of the world into the future. How exciting is that?”

The National Technical Honor Society is an educational nonprofit that exists to honor, recognize, and empower students and teachers in Career and Technical Education. As the honor society for Career and Technical Education, NTHS serves over 100,000 active members annually in both secondary and postsecondary chapters across the country.

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