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Home Improvement Projects Submittals

Home Improvement Projects Submittals

January 03 2022

As Spring arrives to Windsor Park Estates the Homeowners Association would like to remind you of a few of our deed restrictions:

Any work that is done on the outside of your home, must have approval from the HOA. This includes placing outdoor furniture in the front of the home, exterior paint, door paint, replacing windows, landscape redesign, driveway gate additions, basketball goals, etc. The application may be found on the website. It should be filled out and sent to

Trash is only to be left at the curb the night before pickup, meaning Tuesday and Friday evening. If you miss trash pickup, please remove your refuse from the curb until the night before pickup. All trash cans must be put behind gates or a fence hidden out of sight. Best Trash, the trash service picking up the neighborhood trash, will pick up trash behind a gate as long as you make them aware of the location of your trash.

We are seeing more basketball goals go up in the neighborhood. As a reminder, deed restrictions state that goals are to be at least 15’ from the front building set back line and at least 8’ from any side lot line. There is to be no more than one basketball goal at any home. 

Windsor Park Estates remains a lovely, desirable neighborhood through adherence to the deed restrictions in place. The HOA board appreciates your cooperation and support. If you have any questions, the board is here for you.

Deed Restrictions may be found online:

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