Harris County Allocates $1.1 Million for Enhanced Animal Control in Precinct 3
Commissioners Court of Harris County recently approved the allocation of $1.1 million to animal control efforts in Harris County Precinct 3, as disclosed by the Office of Planning and Innovation at Harris County Public Health (HCPH). The funding, requested on September 19, 2024, is geared towards an enhanced animal control strategy developed by HCPH after consultations with its Veterinary Public Health (VPH) division.
The newly approved budget will primarily be spent on labor costs amounting to $608,882, expected to deliver 15,600 call responses through the addition of six Animal Control Officers (ACOs) and support from other positions such as an Intake Officer, an Animal Behaviorist, and a VPH Mobile Program Coordinator.
Moreover, a non-labor expenditure budget of $170,000 will supplement the work of the Animal Control Officers. This fund covers employee workstations, ACO equipment, and fuel and maintenance of ACO vehicles, which will be procured through the Capital Improvement Plan.
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Furthermore, contracts worth $321,118 have been planned with community organizations, aiming to provide comprehensive animal control services including spay/neuter procedures, vaccinations, and microchipping to approximately 1,700 animals in Precinct 3.
This investment in animal control is anticipated to benefit the Precinct 3 community in several ways beyond the direct services. For instance, an additional cadre of Animal Control Officers will not only enhance call response times but will also improve the authorities' ability to secure loose animals and address related concerns, thereby increasing community safety.
The addition of an Intake Officer and an Animal Behaviorist is planned to significantly influence decision-making at the shelter and the dissemination of effective adoption information, reducing the length of animals' stay at the shelter. The appointment of a VPH Mobile Program Coordinator aims to improve the planning and logistics of mobile events, which will make the delivery of mobile services more efficient.
Through contracts with community partners, the volume of animal control services is expected to increase throughout Precinct 3. Regular reports from these organizations will be required by HCPH to monitor progress toward proposed goals. In addition, the animal control and education efforts are projected to lead to a decrease in dog bites across Precinct 3.