Green Trails MUD Releases New Schedule of Rates and Fees
August 01 2024
Green Trails Municipal Utility District (MUD) has recently updated and released its new schedule of rates and fees. This updated schedule provides a detailed breakdown of the costs associated with various services and utilities within the district.
What You Need to Know
- Purpose: The updated rates and fees schedule is designed to ensure fair and transparent billing for the services provided by Green Trails MUD.
- Contents: The schedule includes fees related to water, sewer, and other municipal services, reflecting the most current costs and adjustments.
A detailed table of the new rates and fees will be included below for your reference. Residents are encouraged to review the schedule to understand how these updates may affect their utility bills.
For further information or any questions regarding the new rates and fees, residents can contact the Green Trails MUD office directly, or visit their website at municipalops.com/districts/green-trails-mud. The district remains committed to providing high-quality services while ensuring transparency and accuracy in billing.