February News from Your HOA
Residents must submit ARC applications to the HOA when make modifications to the exterior of the property in Copper Lakes. Fences, pools, patios, trees (add or remove), play structures, roofs, painting, statutes, sheds.... This is just to name a few modifications that need approval. If the owner is in doubt, please call the HOA at 281-870-0585 and ask for the ARC department or email modifications@inframark.com for clarification.
You can find the ARC application on www.copperlakes.com, complete and return to modifications@inframark.com.
Please note that the fence guidelines have changed. Please check the website for the updated guidelines.
Each month a winner will be chosen and will receive a yard sign for the following month as well as a gift card.
CenterPoint Energy maintains streetlights throughout our electric service area in and around Houston. Please use the info below to report a street light outage. If you need to report a power outage please call 713-207-2222 or 800-332-7143 or view our Outage Tracker for current electric outage information, http://gis.centerpointenergy.com/outagetracker/.
If you already know the street light number, complete the form here. Or report a street light outage using a map to select the streetlight
- When reporting, you will be asked to provide:
- A pole number for the non-functioning lights you want to report
- Contact information (in case more information is needed to locate a street light) An email address (if you want feedback regarding your repair request)
- The number of streetlights you would like to report
- A pole number for the non-functioning lights you want to report
Service & Collection Guidelines Service Days and Hours
Trash: Wednesday & Saturday Recycle: Wednesday
Please have waste curbside by 6:30 AM
Holiday Schedule
Texas Pride Disposal observes four holidays: New Year’s Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. In the event that your service day falls on a holiday, collection will roll to the next regularly scheduled collection day.
Household Trash
Waste should be placed in personal trash cans between 20 and 96 gallons and under 50 pounds or sturdy bags not exceeding 50 pounds. Waste should be placed curbside.
Yard Waste
Yard waste should be bagged or placed in cans not exceeding 50 pounds. Bagged yard waste should be placed curbside next to cart. Branches should be placed curbside in bundles measuring no more than 4’ x 4’ x 4’ and under 50 pounds. Limit 8 bundles per service day.
Heavy Trash & Bulk Waste
Texas Pride Disposal will collect two heavy trash/bulk items per service day. Items include furniture, appliances, carpeting (tied and bundled), fencing (nails removed, tied and bundled under 4’ in length) and other items not disposed of regularly. Items should be curbside.
Items Excluded from Regular Collection
The following items cannot be collected: dirt, rocks, brick, concrete, liquid paints, fuels, oils, tires, pesticides, fertilizer and batteries. Please contact us to discuss solutions for proper disposal of these items.
Website: www.texaspridedisposal.com
Email: service@texaspridedisposal.com
Collection every Wednesday. Have your recyclables ready by 6:30 AM.
- Place all recyclables in the container provided by Texas Pride Disposal, old recycle bins or containers clearly labeled RECYCLE.
- DO NOT BAG RECYCLABLES. Place recyclables loose in your recycle container. Please rinse cans, jars, jugs and bottles before placing in your recycle container.
- Have your recyclables curbside by 6:30 AM.
- Additional containers can be purchased by contacting Texas Pride Disposal.
Accepted Recyclable Material
Paper Products (dry): Grocery Bags, Egg Cartons, Shoe Boxes, Phone Books, Soda/Beer Boxes, Cardboard Boxes, Paper Towel Rolls, Waxboard Boxes, Catalogs, Wrapping Paper, File Folders, Computer Paper
Plastic Products (rinsed): Plastics #1-#7, Milk/Juice Bottles, Soda/Water Bottles, Shampoo/Soap Bottles, Bleach/Detergent Containers, Household Cleaner Containers, Plastic Flower Pots, Microwave Dinner Trays
Metal Products (rinsed): Pie Trays, Soda/Juice/Beer Cans, Canned Food Cans, Pet Food Cans, Aluminum Foil, Metal Jar Lids, Pots & Pans, Aerosol Cans
Glass Products (rinsed): Soda Bottles, Wine Bottles, Beer Bottles, Jars
Commonly Mistaken Unacceptable Items - Place these in TRASH
Styrofoam, Plastic Bags, Ceramics, Mirrors, Soiled Pizza Boxes, Coat Hangers, Light Bulbs, Paper Towels, Soiled Paper, Soiled Facial Tissue
It has come to the attention of the HOA that many residents/homeowners place bagged yard clippings on the curb prior to the appropriate time when such items can be placed there for trash pick. As pointed out in Section 6.6 of the Deed Restrictions:
“...container may he placed in a designated area for garbage or trash pickup no earlier than six o’clock p.m. on the day preceding trash pickup of such garbage...”
If you cut your own grass and bag the clippings please leave them at the curb in accordance with the day and time of the deed restrictions.
If you have a service cut your lawn and they bag your clippings, please consider asking them to mulch the clippings instead of bagging. If they do bag, please do not leave the bag at the curb unless it is in compliance with Section 6.6 of the Deed Restrictions.
Most experts agree that it is better to leave the clippings on your lawn as they return nutrients and it is much easier than bagging. By mulching your grass clippings you are also saving time for you and the trash pick contractors as well as preserving landfill space.
The Full Text of Section 6.6 is below:
SECTION 6.6. RESTRICTIONS ON GARBAGE AND TRASH - No refuse, garbage, trash, lumber, grass, shrub or tree clippings, plant waste, compost, metal, hulk materials, scrap, refuse or debris of any kind shall be kept, stored or allowed to accumulate on any Lot except within an enclosed container of a type, size and style approved by the Board and appropriately screened from view, except that any such container may he placed in a designated area for garbage or trash pickup no earlier than six o’clock p.m. on the day preceding trash pickup of such garbage and trash and shall he returned to an enclosed structure or an area appropriately screened from view no later than midnight of the day of pickup of such garbage and trash.
Many residents are already enjoying the refurbished tennis courts. This summer, we replaced the chain link fence and resurfaced the courts. New nets were purchased and the light posts were painted. We also plan to install new benches. If you have not yet seen or enjoyed them, check them out.
Remember, the courts are for Copper Lakes residents and guests. They must be relinquished for scheduled league matches of Copper Lakes teams.
To preserve them for everyone, it is important that the courts be used for tennis only. They are not for soccer, skateboards, skates, etc. Access is with the same card you use for the pools.
To keep everyone in Copper Lakes better informed about the kinds of incidences occurring on your street or near your homes, we are recommending our Copper Lakes neighbors take advantage of the following resources:
911 - Use this number anytime you feel threatened or in danger or you think someone else might be in danger.
Please make a note of all house addresses around your home - even the ones behind your backyard. And create a map of these addresses. This is very important because if you ever need to call 911, the Dispatcher must have a real street address for the incident.
All articles should be in by the 10th of every month for next month’s issue. Any dated events scheduled during the first 10 days of the month should be in the preceding month’s issue.
Anything not received by the deadline cannot be guaranteed to be in the next issue.
www.copperlakes.com (Currently under development)
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In order to increase compliance and spread awareness, our office is requesting your assistance in informing residents in your community through your HOA newsletter or your scheduled HOA meetings of the need to obtain a permit for operating an alarm system, residential or business, within unincorporated Harris County. Many residents and businesses are unaware of the requirement to obtain an alarm permit once an alarm system has been installed and activated by the alarm company. Alarm systems are established and defined in the Local Government Code 233 (subchapter D), as well as the authority to regulate, adopt rules and impose penalties for unpermitted locations. Obtaining the required permit will avoid the issuance of a citation and excessive false alarm fees. The fee for current permit issuance is $35 with a yearly renewal fee of $10. All permit fees are waived for senior citizens 65 years or older. Under current guidelines, a permitted location is allowed five (5) free false alarms annually. Any subsequent false alarms during your permitted year are subject to a $75 fine that is billed to the permit holder’s address. If a site has an active alarm system, yet does not have a permit to operate such alarm, a false alarm may result in a Class C citation, which could range up to $500.
Should you or your residents require a copy of the permit application form, or would like to review the regulations regarding permit requirements, you may do so by visiting the Harris County Sheriff’s Office website at www.hcso.hctx.net. The application can be printed from the website, then completed and mailed to our office with the applicable fees. We are currently in the planning stages of making the application and payment process available on-line for the convenience to the public. Should you have any questions, please contact the Harris County Sheriff’s Office Alarm Detail at 713-755-4600 (M-F, 8 AM-5 PM). If you would like any of our Alarm Detail personnel to attend one of your HOA meetings, we would be glad to attend and answer as many questions as possible.
Residents can now place pictures and information for lost and found animals under the neighborhood pictures tab of the Copper Lakes website, www.copperlakes.com. If you have lost or found a pet, please use this great tool to let the neighborhood know and hopefully reunite the pet with their family.
Please be respectful of community grounds and neighbors’ yards. If your pet poops during your walk, be prepared to scoop and trash. Come with a scooper and a recycled grocery bag or anything else. It may not be the most fabulous way to walk your pet, but it does show your respect for every homeowner and our beautiful community.
Animals that are not properly restrained pose a threat to all our residents. While you may know your pet is friendly, an animal running at someone who is walking by is very scary for that person. Many children are afraid of animals and become frightened, which could result in the child getting hurt trying to avoid the animal.
Harris County Animal Control advises, “All dogs and cats must be kept under restraint while in the unincorporated areas of Harris County, Texas. The custodian of a dog or cat is not authorized to have, harbor or keep any unlicensed dog or cat, nor to allow any dog or cat to become a stray.”
When it is controlled by a line or leash not more than six (6) feet in length, if the line or leash is held by a human being, who is capable of controlling or governing the dog or cat in question
- When it is within a fully enclosed vehicle
- When it is on the premise of the custodian and the animal does not have access to sidewalk or street.”
While it may be nice to have your animal out in the yard while you work or play, it is against the law, unless the animal is properly restrained.
Let’s all help keep our community a safe and comfortable place for all our residents by being responsible pet owners. This will not only protect anyone who may be walking or bicycling in the area, but also the pet owner who could be held legally responsible or possibly sued for failing to properly restrain their pet.
To make a complaint or report an animal that is not properly restrained please contact:
It is about time that our neighborhood has a Mom’s Group! ALL MOMS ARE INVITED! We can plan play dates, park meet-ups, activities and most importantly, Mom’s Night Out!! If you are interested, please join www.nextdoor.com. Once you are a confirmed neighbor, you can see “Copper Lakes Moms” on the left hand side. Click on it and join! I hope to see all you Moms soon!