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February News from Your HOA

February News from Your HOA

February 01 2022


Approval from the Architectural Control Committee is required prior to making any modifications to the exterior of your property. This includes but is not limited to installation of trampolines, playsets, storage sheds, room additions, patio covers, repainting your home, trim or front door even if using the same color. An Exterior Modification Request Form can be submitted electronically at by clicking on Exterior Modification Request Form on the homepage. Please note you do not need to log in to complete the application. Once you select your project type, it will notify of items required to complete your application. If you prefer a paper application, please contact Crest Management at 281-579-0761 and it can be mailed to you.


Report any and all suspicious activity to S.E.A.L. Security at 281-749-1300 as well as the Sheriff’s office.


To help avoid trash not being picked up, please do not park your vehicles in the street on Trash days (Tuesday and Friday). When multiple vehicles are parked in the street, the truck is unable to get through. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this matter.



Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. If you do leave your purse in the front of the vehicle, don’t leave your phone in your purse. (Since phones are now so easily traceable, the thieves will most likely destroy and/or discard it right away. That’s one more hassle you don’t need.)
  • Keep spare keys to your home or vehicle with a trusted neighbor, relative, at work, etc.
  • Take photos or make a photocopy of all your credit/debit cards, driver’s license, etc. (front and back), that you normally keep in your purse or wallet and keep those copies someplace safe, such as at home. That way, if they are lost or stolen, you will more easily be able to inform the companies and authorities.


Be aware of all those around you. MAKE EYE CONTACT so potential thieves know they have been seen.

Governor’s Place Hotline 281-749-1300


Most of our dog owners are responsible, using a leash and picking up after your pets. We thank you!

HOWEVER - We have received reports of dog owners allowing their dogs to defecate and urinate in yards. This is especially a problem in high-traffic areas near park entrances. Be aware that it is not just your dog. Once a yard has been “used,” other dogs want to do so as well. A resident should not have to pick up after even one dog, much less ten. In addition, runners and walkers in our parks don’t enjoy dodging excrement. Please carry a bag and pick up after your pet.

Remember also, that even the sweetest dog may seem intimidating to some people. Respect their rights and comply with leash laws.


As many residents have noticed, cars parking in the wrong direction on the side of the road has become an increasing problem throughout the community. The officers that patrol the neighborhood have been giving warnings for this, but will begin issuing tickets. Please utilize your driveway and garage and when parking on the street is necessary, please park in the same direction as traffic.

Additional parking problems have occurred at the tennis and clubhouse parking lots. As a result, the Board has adopted a Common Area Parking and Tow Policy. The Policy has been filed in the official public records with the Harris County Clerk and is available by visiting, clicking on Communities and selecting Governors Place. Towing will be enforced.


If you plan on making a change to your home/yard, please fill out a Request for Home Improvement - Governor's Place form. Please view the form at our website and download the form to submit to Crest Management.
  • Cars may not be parked on the front lawn of your property.
  • Trailers, boats, RVs, recreational vehicles must be stored out of view of the street.
  • Remember that our streets are very narrow and utilize your driveway to park cars.
  • Store trash cans out of street view.
  • Now is the time to start cleaning out gutters and roof tops to get rid of pine needles and leaves. • We urge parents to advise your children to ride scooters and electric toys on the sidewalks, NOT in the streets. There have been too many near misses reported and we don't want a child to "learn their lesson" the hard way by being hit by a car.


Together as a community we must always be alert for both ourselves and our neighbors. Please phone (713-221-6000) the sheriff for anything suspicious; robbery, suspicious looking people, speeding, etc.


Please remember not to place your garbage out any sooner than the night before the scheduled pick-up day.

After pick-up, all garbage cans should be kept out of public view. They should not be kept in front of garages, in the front yards of any home or on the side of any home. Please make every effort to conceal the trashcans from public view on non-trash days.

On a side note we should be putting all trash in bags and not directly in bins as this creates a problem for everyone. Governors Place is our home and we like to keep it nice. If you spot trash in the area, please pick it up and to ensure our beautiful community stays as such.


Parking recreational vehicles in the community is a violation of the governing rules and regulations. We understand this is the time of year vacations and family visits are planned, so if you will take a moment to call Crest Management at 281-579-0761 to notify us as to when you will have your recreational vehicle(s) in the driveway, we will give you 1 to 2 days grace period. We understand people have to live, that is why we want to open the lines of communication. If

we do not hear from you and your vehicle(s) are noticed on our regular inspection, don't get upset when you receive a citation. Again, we will only allow parking of recreational vehicles for a short period of 1 to 2 days.


Although the streets in Governors Place are public, we are receiving numerous complaints regarding parking of personal vehicles and commercial vehicles in the streets. The parking of COMMERCIAL VEHICLES within the community is RESTRICTED in the governing documents and fines will be assessed. Please try to utilize your driveways as much as possible when parking your personal vehicles.


To report a streetlight that is not working, call Reliant Energy at 713-207-2222. You need to report both the number on the base of the pole and the street address.

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