February News from Your HOA
January Yard of the Month, home of Jennifer and Darren Hussey, 14208 Silver Sands St.
- Access townsquare at https://inframarkims.com/what-we-do/association-management/
- Click on townsquare in the right-side menu
- Confirm your zip code and select “I live in Hearthstone HOA”
- Select “I am an owner”
- Enter your unique Account Number
If you don’t have your account number please call 281-870-0585 or email Katie.Ivanics@Inframark.com to assist. Please note moving forward this will be the new website and the old Hearthstone website will no longer be used.
Meets the 2nd Thursday of each month, September-May, from 12:30-3 PM, see website for instructions on our Zoom meetings each month, live TBD. More info, www.houstonwestfamgen.org.
Incidents of trespassing on the golf course have recently had a dramatic increase. Accordingly, the club has posted new signs at all areas of access that address the trespassing issue. No one, whether members or non-members are to be on the club property at any time, day or evening, unless you are registered with the Pro shop. No walking or jogging, no dog walking, no bike riding, no fishing. The club has asked the Constables to assist in the enforcement of this violation. Please be a good neighbor and respect the club’s property.
- The first notice is a courtesy letter.
- If the violation is not cured within 30 days a second letter is sent.
- If the violation continues another 30 days it is referred to our attorney and a third letter is sent. The attorney letter results in a $302.50 charge to the homeowners account.
- Continuing violations and/or non-payment of a homeowners account can lead to a notice of foreclosure.
For the good of all of our homeowners in Hearthstone, let’s keep our community clean and neat. Thanks to all of you who already abide by the rules and thanks in advance to those few who will strive to do better!
Citronella collars. A humane alternative to the electric-shock, anti-barking collar and costs about the same. Available on the web and in pet stores.
- Confinement. Sometimes simply bringing an outspoken dog indoors or confining it to a crate can cut down on the disturbance to neighbors.
- For inside dogs, reduce stimulus. Close drapes to help muffle street noise or leave a radio on to mask it.
- Companionship. Dogs are pack animals; they need companionship - a cat, bird or another dog. Consider a mid-day visit from a pet-sitting service or drop your pooch off at a friend’s place or a day-care facility once or twice a week.
Keep in mind that dogs who bark from loneliness or boredom, may not do it when you are home. Meanwhile, your neighbors may be getting serenaded while you are away.
The Harris County Constable’s Office, Precinct 5 is now offering a class on Rape Aggression Defense (RAD). RAD is one of the best women’s self-defense courses available. It’s a program based on realistic self-defense tactics and techniques. It is a comprehensive self-defense course for women that begins with awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of hands-on defensive training. If you’re interested in more information and signing up, go to this link:
Make sure if you or your family goes on vacation to put in a “Vacation Watch” with our department. That way you’ll know your house is being watched by our patrol deputies. You can fill out a vacation watch form online here:
Or you can call our dispatch at 281-463-6666.
Outages or problems with decorative streetlights should be reported to Inframark at 281-870-0585. Please note the exact intersection or closest address. The association has a contractor doing a monthly nighttime inspection for lights that are out, but if you see a problem, please report it, so we can achieve our goal to keep all the lights on all the time.
Trash days are Tuesdays and Fridays with recycling pickup on Fridays. If you have questions, call 281-368-8397.
Board Meetings are now bi-monthly, usually on the 3rd Wednesday at 6 PM. Hearthstone Country Club.
Just register at the site using “Join our Mailing Lists” on the opening page. You will be automatically added to the email group.
This group will be used to quickly but sparingly, get information out to members between newsletters. If you would like these messages sent to more than one email address, just register again with each address you want included in the group.
The addresses will not be sold, distributed or used for any purpose other than association business. Your address will not even be shared among group members. Messages sent to the group will be limited to those authorized by the HOA Board of Directors.
If you have already joined the email group, you do not need to do so again.
The call center main number is 281-870-0585. The hours are 7 AM to 6 PM Monday through Thursday and 7 AM to 5 PM on Fridays.
The Hearthstone Newsletter can be viewed (in color), online at krenekprinting.com. Go to www.krenekprinting.com, Click on newsletters, Select Highway 6, Select Hearthstone and Click to read.
Call the constable's office anytime you see a suspicious person and do not let race, age or gender influence you calling (a suspicious person is anyone you do not recognize on your street).
- Call the constable's office when you see a suspicious vehicle (any vehicle parked in front of your neighbor's home or driving around your street that you don't recognize).
- Always keep all your doors and windows locked even when you are at home.
- Always keep your overhead garage door in the down position.
- Remember neighbors looking out for neighbors are how the police catch the bad guys.
- Make sure to do a vacation watch whenever you go out of town.
- If someone comes to your door, always go to the door and acknowledge that you are there and remember to never open the door for anyone that you do not know. The bad guys in almost all cases do not want you to be home. Then always call the constable's office so that we can check them out. When they leave your house, they are going to your neighbors.
- If you have children that stay at home alone, no matter what their age, they need to go to the door and have a preplanned story for whoever is there (my dad is working on the computer, he says to come back later). Then have them call the constable's office.
- Never do business with people you don not know and trust. Never open the door for solicitors. If no one in the neighborhood buys anything from them, the companies that they work for will quit sending them into your subdivision.
- Always lock your vehicles and never leave anything of value in plain sight (covering up an item with a jacket doesn't count).
Our dispatch number is 281-463-6666 (please put this number in your cell phone as 911 constable or A constable so that it is one of the first contacts).
Community Relations and Crime Prevention
If you’ve ever considered joining a mom’s group, look no further! Located right here in Hearthstone, our group is designed to celebrate our kids and of course... ourselves! Each year we host several events for the moms, kids and families to get to know our neighborhood pals. Events include a Spring Festival, Summer Splash Bash, Back to School Talent Show, Fall Festival & Hot Momma Chili Cook-off, Bad Mom’s Christmas Dinner & Ornament Exchange, Holiday Market and Santa Visits. Dues are $30 for the year and cover the cost of all planned events for the kids. Contact Nicole Allen at 610-248-4745 or email hearthstonemoms@gmail.com for more information. Please also check out our website at https://sites.google.com/view/hearthstone-moms-co-op/home.