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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to commonly asked questions about advertising, submitting articles and more.
If you don't see the answer to a question you have please feel free to contact us.


General.         Advertising.         ArticleS


What are the differences between an article, a classified and a business advertisement?
Articles are welcome from any non-profit organization. Although an article may mention a for-profit business (recognition of sponsorship, etc), articles may not contain soliciting information. Articles will not be laid out in an advertising format; they are text-only and are subject to editing. Where space permits, it may contain pictures or forms.

Business advertisements can be customized into a variety of sizes and can appear in one or multiple newsletters of your choosing. The back page is the only paid placement (when available). Otherwise, advertisements will be randomly placed each month. Any size business can advertise, however, we reserve the right to refuse publication.

Where do you get your mailing lists?
We receive many of our mailing lists directly from the Home Owner's Associations or other organizations. The remaining are compiled from tax records. Under no circumstances do we sell or share our mailing or client lists.

I live in a neighborhood whose newsletter is published by Krenek Printing, but I have not received a copy. How do I get added to a mailing list? Can I be added to a neighborhood that I do not live in?
Newsletters are only mailed to residents whose mailbox is on the post office's line of travel for that particular subdivision. We are unable to send copies to addresses that are outside our existing publication list. If you live in one of our listed subdivisions and do not receive a newsletter, please contact us to be added to the mailing list.

Who do I contact for questions or comments about my neighborhood?
Although we are proud to serve your neighborhood, we are in no way affiliated with your neighborhood board or management company. Most of our newsletters contain an "Important Numbers" section with association phone numbers as well as other useful contact information. It is usually located on the inside of the front or back cover of the newsletter.

Will Krenek Printing publish a newsletter for my subdivision?
Have someone on your HOA board or management company contact us for consideration.

What if the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday?
The deadline will be moved to the closest business day, whether it be the day before or day after. However should a deadline be moved further away, you would be notified.


How much does it cost to advertise?
The cost of advertising varies based on the size of the advertisement, number of areas and applicable discounts. More information is available in the Price List or on the Advertising Info page.

How do I place a business advertisement?
For the fastest service, download the price list and complete the "Account Information" form. Then, fax or scan / email it to us. In addition, we will need to know the size of advertisement you wish to place, the areas you have chosen and your advertisement. You may provide us with a completed advertisement, or we can design one for you at no additional cost. Alternatively, you can visit our office or we can send a representative to your business to set up your account. Please contact us by phone at 281-463-8649 any time during business hours, or email us at

What size advertisements are available? What is the printable size of the advertisements?
Advertisement sizes are expressed by rounding to the nearest whole inch. The advertisement sizes (and their actual dimensions) are listed as (width x height):

2 x 4 (1.75" x 4" or 3.75" x 2)
3 x 4 (2.75" x 4 or 3.75" x 3)
4 x 4 (3.75" x 4")
Quarter Page (3.75" x 5 or 4.75" x 4)
Third Page (7.7" x 3" or 3.75" x 6")
4 x 8 (3.75" x 8" or 7.7" x 4")
Half Page (3.75" x 10.25" or 7.7" x 5")
Full Page (7.7" x 10.25")

Will you create the advertisement for me?
Yes. We can create an advertisement at no additional cost to you. All you need to provide is the business information and an emailed copy of any specific artwork, photos or logos you wish to use.d

What if I want to provide my own completed layout, what format should my advertisement be in?
We can accept advertisements in almost any vector format such as a PDF, Illustrator, MS Publisher and other files. We prefer not to accept raster files such as JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, etc. Please call for more information.

Do I have to fill out the entire "Account Information" form?
We require the basic information on the top half of the form to create all accounts. The financial information located in the box at the bottom is only required for customers paying with credit or debit (including your signature). Payment is required by the deadline for all new accounts. Account information forms are filed securely and only used in the event of collections.

What is the deadline to place a business advertisement in the Hwy 6 / Cypress area newsletters?
Business advertisements for the Hwy 6 / Cypress area must be received, with the account in good standing, by the 10th of the month preceding publication.

What is the deadline to place a business advertisement in the Katy area newsletters?
Business advertisements for the Katy area must be received, with the account in good standing, by the 25th of the month preceding publication. The date printed on the newsletter will be the month following publication. (For example, January 25th is the deadline for March issue, which is delivered at the end of February).

How are advertisements placed? Can I pay for special placement?
Advertisements are placed randomly. We try very hard to rotate the advertisements each month to offer fair treatment of all our customers. However, due to advertisement size limitations and the impossibility of keeping track of each advertisements placement in every newsletter, we cannot guarantee placement of your advertisement.


How do I submit an article? What format should it be in?
Articles are presented in text-only form and are subject to editing. We welcome articles from any non-profit organization. Although they may mention locations of special non-profit events, articles can not contain information which solicits business. Your article may be submitted (by the deadline) to either in Word, Rich Text Format, plain text, or in the body of your email. Bold and italics are the only formatting retained, therefore, we prefer simple formatting. Sorry, we can not accept Word Perfect documents.

How long can an article be?
One to two short paragraphs. You do not have to count words. Try to keep it short and to the point. It will have a better chance to get in.

I had an article running for my group but it is no longer running. Why was it removed?
If your article was replaced with a dated article, it will be removed after the date passes. You would need to send a new generic article to go back in monthly. If we try the contact information and find it is no longer valid, it will be removed. So keep us informed when contact people or any information changes.

Why wasn't my article run this month?
Articles go in based on space availability. That means if there wasn't enough room left in the newsletter after Ads, Subdivision news, Dated Events and Schools, we could not put your article in your newsletter. That doesn't mean it didn't make it into any of the other subdivision newsletters. Subdivision newsletters are different sizes according to the amount of advertising. Some have more space available than others.

I noticed that my article is being printed without all my information. Why?
If we have space for groups but it is limited, we will place a short list of the groups with just the name, contact and meeting times and places of all the groups.

What is the deadline to place an article in the Hwy 6 area newsletters?
Articles for the Hwy 6 area must be received by the 10th of the month preceding publication.

What is the deadline to place an article in the Katy area newsletters?
Articles for the Katy area must be received by the 25th of the month preceding publication. The date printed on the newsletter will be the month following publication. (For example, Jan. 25th is the deadline for the March issue which is delivered at the end of February).

We will not accept articles after the deadline. Make sure you get your article to us before or on the deadline or it will not go in. It will be filed for the next newsletter if applicable. This is especially crucial for dated events. So plan in advance for dated articles. Check deadline schedules.

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