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Copper Lakes Landscaping

Copper Lakes Landscaping

April 25 2022

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Copper Lakes landscape suffered from last year’s Valentine week hard freeze.  We lost several mature trees and all our trailing vines against the brick walls by our monuments on West Road and Wheat Cross Dr. Throughout the subdivision we lost 4461 Indian Hawthorns. HOA received a quote of $564,427.74 for replacing all plant materials, no trees included.

Many of our roses suffered Crown Gall, a bacterial disease that occurs throughout the world. No disease control is available. The disease stays dormant in the soil and it has to be replaced if we want to replace the roses. Best option is to choose another plant for these areas. For these reasons Copper Lakes HOA had to get our landscaping redesigned.

Common practice is to have competitive bids and it has been difficult finding landscapers capable of a large scope of work like ours.  HOA decided to split the scope into 2 steps:

1. removing strips of flowerbeds with dead Indian Hawthorns and replace them with sod and have the irrigation adjusted accordingly. This work was given to Sundial Services and the work is in progress. Cost $56,275. We keep the contract cash neutral and pay as the projects progress.

2. Redesigning all monument/signage beds with freeze-hardy evergreens of natural low growth habit for minimal maintenance, not blocking traffic visibility and making sure our signs are not blocked. Leaving large sections for seasonal colors and transplanting Iris, Agapanthus and Daylilies where we can. Mulch for these areas is included in the scope of work. All steel edgings will be removed as it is a general safety and trip hazard. Our preliminary quote for the monument design is $49,657.60, but the design is not completed. We’re expecting 2 complete quotes to be presented in a week.


Last year’s tree maintenance budget was $40,000. about 50% was spent on removing and stump grinding the freeze damaged trees. This year’s budget is $45,000.  

10 Bald Cypress trees by Longenbaugh Dr.  pool and courts were removed to lower pool maintenance and avoid slip hazard to players on the courts. Trees along West Rd, Barker Cypress and Wheat Cross are scheduled for trimming this spring. We’re also collecting quotes for trimming along the trails in the Glade. Trees in the esplanades on West Rd, Queenston Blvd. and Longenbaugh Dr. are trimmed by Harris County. 

All Crape Myrtles have been trimmed and all flowering trees will receive deep root fertilizer. See new guidelines for trimming Crape Myrtles. and Mulch has been applied to trees in the areas maintained by HOA.



Kiddie mulch will be replaced in all playgrounds except for Jade Ridge as it is not needed. Sundial Services is installing IPEMA Certified Playground Mulch (Kiddie Kushion).



In order to keep our landscaping, we need fully functional irrigation. We’ve had some damage to our PVB’s, sprinkler heads and valves causing us to change routines using schedule 40 pipes and pebbles for drainage for all valves repairs.  

During AT&T installation of fiberoptic cables our irrigation system has been damaged in 7 locations. Their subcontractor has promised to do the repairs and will work with ALPC to make sure cables to our irrigation controllers are being wired correctly.

Due to 5G installation our irrigation controllers have communication problems.  The cellular data modem that connects to our irrigation controllers will be replaced and reprogrammed. These cards have arrived and will be installed shortly. After programming, we can calibrate the system to the water meters as we’re constantly monitoring our water usage.



The Pansies were scheduled for replacement mid to end of March. ALPC had to push the dates forward and expecting mid-April waiting for them to be the right size for planting. The growers delayed planting and some had losses. During installation we will be replacing soils to replenish nutrients for better growth and ensure vibrant and healthy flowers.

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