Spanglish Virtual

Thursday July 25, 2024 /
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm





Join us Online for a SpanishVirtual!

Spanglish is a language exchange that brings together native English and Spanish speakers to make it less intimidating to practice a foreign language.

Our format of one-on-one “mini-conversations” that last for 10 minutes (5 in Spanish, 5 in English), gives you the chance to practice your conversation skills with multiple native speakers.

Spanglish isn't a class; it's a social event where you learn real-life vocab, about different cultures, and meet people from around the world!


Spanglish es un intercambio de idiomas que atrae a extranjeros y locales al igual, con el objetivo de practicar una lengua no nativa.

Nuestro formato de mini-conversaciones de diez minutos (5 en ingles y 5 en español) les da una oportunidad a todos los participantes de practicar con diferentes nativos, toda la noche.

Spanglish no es una clase, es un evento social donde aprendes detalles lingüísticos, culturales y conoces gente de todo el mundo!


For more information or to get the Zoom link, head here.

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