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Joe Cain's Benefit

Saturday August 31, 2024 /
12:00 pm - 12:00 am

BFE Rock Club
11528 Jones Road
Houston ,TX 77070



Join us at BFE Rock Club for the Joe Cain Benefit Concert!

This event will have tons of live bands, auctions, raffles, food and more with proceeds going to Joe Cain


If wanting to help with Donations and donating please contact Frankie 832-748-2544 and Eddie Stark.

Anyone that wants to drop off donated items, can do so on the nights that the club is open prior to the benefit. Or contact Frankie (832-748-2544), Shane (832-533-1500) or Bill (281-622-1456).

Times of Bands playing will be updated in the near future.

For more information on this event, head here.

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