Can I Recycle This?
Have you been wondering what you can and cannot recycle? Brush up on best practices from your trash and recycling service provider, Best Trash.
What can be recycled?
Here is a list of all the items that Best Trash accepts for recycling. All recycled items should be dry, empty, clean and loose.
Newspapers and inserts, magazines, catalogs, junk mail, envelopes, file folders, white and colored office or computer paper, corrugated cardboard, cereal and gift boxes, paper bags, phone books, wrapping paper, milk cartons, juice cartons, wax-coated boxes, cardboard boxes
Aluminum cans, aluminum foil, aluminum foil plates and serving containers, metal food cans and can lids, pots and pans
Clear and Colored
Plastic bottles, jars, tubs and buckets (such as soda, water, milk, juice, liquor, shampoo, detergent, condiments, salad dressing, yogurt, margarine, pet food, etc)
Items that are NOT accepted for recycling
Tree Branches, grass, leaves and foliage are not accepted for recycle. Clothes and wire hangers are not accepted for recycle. Mirrors, windows, light bulbs are not accepted for recycle. Batteries are not recyclable, they can be taken to Batteries Plus locations. Paint and solvent materials and containers are not recyclable.