Auditions Announced for The Woodlands Show Chorus
The award-winning The Woodlands Show Chorus (TWSC) of Sweet Adelines International wants your voice to be heard. TWSC, a 4-part a cappella harmony chorus singing in the barbershop style, will be holding auditions for membership for the upcoming competition and show season.

The Woodlands Show Chorus is an award-winning women's a cappella chorus, under the direction of Master Director, Betty Clipman, and consists of talented singers from all age ranges and walks of life. TWSC is dedicated to producing a professional musical product and enriching the lives of its members and the community through musical excellence.
2023 will be a busy and exciting year for TWSC. We placed first place overall and Mid-Size Chorus at our Regional Competition in March, and we’ll be performing at several community events, and preparing for our Annual Show. Throughout the year, TWSC works with world-class coaches and competes in international competitions. New members that join during this audition season will have the opportunity to perform with TWSC on stage at competitions, performances, and shows!
For more information, please visit thewoodlandsshowchorus.org or call 888-246-2313.