Northmead Village Pool
For access cards, please contact Graham Management by phone at 713-334-8000 or via email access@grahammanagementhouston.com. Access cards are required for pool access.
Once again, we are allowing only 6 people per residence in pool area. If your family is larger than 6, please contact Randi Cahill with Graham Management at rcahill@grahammanagementhouston.com or 713-334-8000 to get your account marked.
Last year’s pool cards will work at the pool as long as you are a resident in good standing. New to Northmead or misplaced your pool card,? Check the Northmead website homepage for an application under Account Information, Documents, Forms Northmead Village at copperfield.org.
One ten-minute break will be taken at ten (10) minutes before the hour, every hour. This is to serve as a time of rest for our guests. This safety break is for everyone including adults. In the fair housing act, it states that it is age discrimination to not allow anyone under the age of 18 in the pool during this 10-minute break. For this reason, the safety break is for everyone. Lifeguards will remain on the lifeguard stand during this break, to ensure the pool is vacant.
2024 Pool & Splash Pad Schedule
The Pool will open weekends in May starting Saturday, May 4th. Memorial Day Weekend open May 25th thru May 27th.
Saturdays >> 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Sundays >> Noon - 7:00 PM
Memorial Day >> 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Summer Schedule: Pool opens for summer on Saturday, June 1st
Tuesdays - Saturdays >> 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Sundays >> Noon - 7:00 PM
Splash Pad
The Splash Pad will be open May thru Labor Day daily 10:0 AM to 8:00 PM