September 01 2021


Folks in Hearthstone are very helpful in getting lost pets reunited with their owners, but all dog owners should ensure that there is a tag on each dog with their name, address, and phone number. Local pet stores have machines that make tags like this while you wait. At least that would help found dogs get back home quicker and with less trauma.

REMINDER: Please be mindful of the Harris County Leash Law and be certain that your pets are on a leash when not confined to your home or backyard.


Many dogs left alone all day get lonely, bored, and restless. Many find relief in barking. Some respond noisily to any and all activity. But, nothing is as annoying as incessant barking - even for dog lovers. If your dog is a yapper or a yowler, please consider some of these bark-abatement ideas to keep the noise down in your area. Your neighbors will thank you!

  • Training. Always the first recommendation for any behavioral problem! Help is as close as the Yellow Pages. Training not only helps your dog, but you’ll also be surprised how much it helps you, too. You may get some insight into why your dog barks so much or what it is trying to communicate.
  • Citronella collars. A humane alternative to the electric-shock, anti-barking collar, and costs about the same. Available on the web and in pet stores.
  • Confinement. Sometimes simply bringing an outspoken dog indoors or confining it to a crate can cut down on the disturbance to neighbors.
  • For inside dogs, reduce stimulus. Close drapes to help muffle street noise or leave a radio on to mask it. • Companionship. Dogs are pack animals; they need companionship - a cat, bird or another dog. Consider a mid-day visit from a pet-sitting service or drop your pooch off at a friend’s place or a day-care facility once or twice a week. Keep in mind that dogs who bark from loneliness or boredom, may not do it when you are home. Meanwhile, your neighbors may be getting serenaded while you are away.

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